', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-78-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-78-f.png', 'The sun is out and you are enjoying a pleasant stroll across the Silent Bridge until you see two demons attacking a man ahead of you.\n\nYou get closer and can hear the demons berating the man as they swipe at him with their claws.\n\n"You dare spit on us as we walk past?" Frozen Hollow+ - Complete scenario 5, 8, or 18 Treasure: 20g Reward: Unlocks enhancement 15. Yon have much better things to do tonight. I wouldn\'t suppose you lot might spare me some coin?" "Our horse is completely spent and we fare little better. He yells in frustration. "\n\nthe Inox roars and charges headlong into the man, crashing through more tables in the process. Even the Inox were not expecting a move so bold. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-54-b-a.png', 'Give detailed directions about the way out and hope that is sufficient. It follows you for a while, barking in indignation, but it eventually wanders off.\n\nNo effect. "So, can you help me? Before the men even have a chance to react, half of them lie dead on the ground. Just make me an offer! The guard shrugs and goes back to examining the scene.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: You laugh and make up some poor explanation about seeing a similar sword on a bandit in a crypt. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-64-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-64-f.png', 'In the middle of the night, you are awakened by a hard knocking at your door. The battle leaves you wounded, but the Sunkeeper happily mends your wounds once you free her.\n\n"They seemed to think the Sun Temple is under attack by Night Demons," she says. They\'ve threatened to kill me if I don\'t pay them off, but, uh, but I simply don\'t have the money. You manage to fight off the Vermlings, but not before all the guards and merchants are killed.\n\nAll start scenario with 3 damage.\n\nGain 5 gold each. The thieves, however, are nowhere to be found. "I\'ve got a big job, and I figure if anyone wouldn\'t mind digging up graves, it would be you miscreants. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-45-b-a.png', 'Be as vague and unhelpful as possible, giving no useful information. In the end, you sell them on a smaller wage increase, and everyone returns to work.\n\nGain 1 prosperity.\n\nOTHERWISE: Even after much effort, the workers won't speak to you at all, calling you part of the problem. They are working to push their brightly painted wagons, all emblazoned with a "Marvelous and Magical Techno-Circus" logo, out of the muck.\n\n"We just stopped for a quick meal, and now the wheels have sunk into this mess," a Quatryl with a fancy top hat says as you approach. He slowly stands up, thanks you, and then heads toward Gloomhaven as you head in the opposite direction.\n\nConsume 1 collective {SmallItem} item. It's not cheap, but one of your contacts promises to make the bodies disappear.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: Knowing you don't have enough to professional help, you spend all night cleaning up the mess before anyone discovers it.\n\nLose 1 {Check}. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-08-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-08-f.png', 'Walking through a stretch of lowlands, you see a man in armor sitting against a large boulder. While four damage doesn't seem like much, the fact that this spell can attack the entire room makes this card worthwhile. "\n\nHe shakes his head. Refuse to help. The first thing you do is gag him, because he is a talker. ', 'Whenever there is bad news, there is always someone who delights in it and profits from it. "\n\nGain 1 reputation. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-52-b-a.png', 'You rifle through the corpses, grabbing stray coins and valuables as you go. You follow them, eventually arriving at a weak, fluctuating rift in a small, earthen cave. "Our sanctuary is having a bit of trouble, and I\'ve been directed to you as persons who could possibly help.\n\n"You see, some of our relics have gone missing, and we suspect the worst. ', "The pious man seems incredibly happy you've decided to help the sanctuary. ', 'Unable to resist, you watch to see what will happen to the girl. "You hail from Gloomhaven, correct? ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-40-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-40-f.png', 'The Sinking Market is a varied area or decrepit huts and merchants unable to sell their wares anywhere else. "\n\nOTHERWISE: You figure out how to work the staff but not before your entire room is flooded. After some back-and-forth, you walk away with a nice sum of gold coins.\n\nGain 30 collective gold. ', 'Take the time to relate the story of what happened. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-03-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-03-f.png', 'You see fresh wagon tracks in the dirt as you walk along the road. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-14-f.png', 'It was a truly marvelous night, full of alcohol and fuzzy memories. You are experienced warriors, and anything you could do to help the situation would be greatly appreciated. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-34-b-a.png', '{Brute} {LightningBolts}: A group of Inox appears at the edge of your campsite. "Give us the location of the temple! He\'s given you helpful tips for mercenary work on a number of occasions. "This grave insult will not go unpunished! - 10 Tips To Reach The Final Day. You try to calm her, but it is of no use. It shouldn't be too hard with a bit of technical know-how. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-07-b-a.png', 'Keep moving on down the road. A great forest fire is raging around you. The arrow misses, but it gets their attention. After an hour of tending to him, the Valrath seems good enough to travel.\n\nGain 1 reputation.\n\nOTHERWISE: You help the Valrath as best you can, but it takes many supplies and potions. ', 'You get closer to the pike. This card can also be enhanced with power potions and stamina potions, allowing players to essentially nuke an entire room before the group takes any damage. You see sadness in the Cragheart's eyes when you finally stand up to leave. "You are right, of course. ", 'After a brutal and bloody fight, only the Berserker remains standing. You hasten your step see what catastrophe lies ahead of you on the road.\n\nAfter a few minutes, you come upon a trade caravan ravaged by a pack of Vermlings, if the tracks in the mud are any indication.\n\nDead bodies and broken, upturned carts lie across the path, but you can also see a few survivors, wounded and bloody on the ground. "What did you say about my horns?" ', "{Circles} {Eclipse}: You grab the child and lift her clear of the haunting area. ', "Whatever happened here could not have been good, but also it doesn't concern you and you're not about to head into that dark, dense forest ill-prepared. ", 'Shaking your head, you move past the Vermling and get back to your business. When you arrive at the great building, he explains in detail all that has happened. You reach a clearing just before a great fire consumes everything with its blaze. He seems very pleased.\n\nGain 1 reputation.\n\nGain 10 collective gold.\n\nOTHERWISE: The Inox is completely dumbfounded when you walk all the way down to his forge and then proceed to exhibit zero aptitude at manipulating or controlling fire.\n\nLose 1 reputation. ', 'Use weights and ropes to climb out of tbe hole as quickly as possible. "', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-72-b-a.png', 'Refuse to go with the man. As the sun drops below the tavern windows, the Scoundrel gets up to leave.\n\n"Listen, I really did enjoy our time together, and, well, I just wanted to leave you with something to remember me by. ", 'Fearing the battle could go either way, you charge into the fray laying low the human attackers. "', "{Brute} {LightningBolts}: The Inox in your party talks with the leader for a while and they are able to come to an agreement. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-05-b-a.png', 'Take the opportunity to steal some valuables in the area while people are distracted. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-41-b-a.png', "Move along. Once inside a dungeon, engage in tactical turn-based combat by selecting two cards for each mercenary on every turn. The Vermling drops his weapon and cowers. Hopefully they'll be able to get some useful information out of him.\n\nGain 1 reputation. This is why your heart sinks when you see a mounted group of them ride up to you and surround your party.\n\n"Ah, agents of that wretched monstrosity you call a town," the largest of the Inox says as he looks down at you. ', '{Circles} {Eclipse}: You take a moment to attune yourself to the staff, which you feel now has a direct link another plane. Standing on the banks, you shrug and toss the staff into the current. "', 'Give the Valraths a portion of your supplies. It takes a lot out of you, but now there is one less way for demons to invade this plane.\n\nLose 1 {Check} each.\n\nGain 1 prosperity. Gloomhaven's card-based combat system is incredibly powerful and these cards and the strongest of them all. "Said we were desecrating her land or some such nonsense and just went crazy. "\n\nA moment later, one of the prisoners in back slips out of his manacles and begins to sprint full speed into the tall grass. If you could, please pay a small fee to take possession of it. one of the guards says. "\n\nIt holds out a small trinket toward you. ', 'With the man dead at its feet, the Plagueherald makes a chittering sound that sounds almost like laughing.\n\n"You cannot see it, but this city needs to be cleansed. It is my gift to you. The sensation is odd and you quickly fish out the small metal sphere you found out on the road. While it was confirmed that there will be city events in Frosthaven, the exact content of which is yet to be announced. I don \'t suppose you have any expertise in fixing a broken axle? "I\'ll pay you well for it. Ruined three jars of preserves just yesterday! The situation devolves into a bloody battle. Over the next few days, the disease spreads throughout the Sinking Market, killing many more people.\n\nLose 1 prosperity. Your legs are boneless and your stomach feels worse than it has ever felt before. ', "Enraged by the Inox's insulting tongue,you take up your weapons and attack. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-44-b-a.png', 'Direct him to the Savvas Elemental Guild and go back to sleep. She finally awakes and expresses her begrudging gratitude. You are not sure why they would be out here fighting the Inox, though. You try to explain that this is all a misunderstanding, but he just keeps warning you not to defecate on bis wives. Eventually the men seem satisfied and move on their way.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: When you try to pay with what few coins you have, the man thinks you are holding out on him and grows angry.\n\nRead outcome A. "\n\nYou look over to the bar where a group of drunkards are all laughing at a disheveled man in the middle of a story.\n\n"And commanding them all riding atop a giant armored bear, there was a Vermling with a staff that shot lightning! "', 'Demonstrate your virtue by offering to escort the merchant back to Gloomhaven. The plans are simple, and you are in and out of the estate easily, free to meet up with the Inox and claim your payment.\n\nGain 10 gold each.\n\nOTHERWISE: It turns out confidence isn't enough when it comes to sneaking in and out of a well-guarded estate without being seen. "', 'The map docs look valuable. Attack the Vermlings. 2022 - Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Insomniac Games/Sony Interactive Entertainment; Retired awards Excellence in Animation. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-07-b-a.png', "Move on with your business. ', 'The Savvas adopts a look of serious contemplation. You were not the only ones to hear the scream, and quickly a small crowd forms around the corpse, including a couple of city guards.\n\nThe body is clad in black leather armor, and a long, thin blade conspicuously protrudes from its back. a woman next to you screams. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. While in the end we did not made any mistakes in that aspect, we couple of times had a real issue to understand how it works. ', '{LightningBolts} {TwoMinis} {PointyHead}: You gauge your bearings and then give precise directions on the easiest way out of the forest and back to the main road. "\n\nShe tugs weakly at your sleeve. They shoot arrows in your direction, forcing you to retreat from the situation.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: The man's speed after spending months in a jail cell is no match for your own. "\n\nAdd City Event 62 to the deck. They claim you are trespassing and force you to pack up and leave. You look in the direction of the heat waves to see plumes of fire and smoke rising from a building less than a block a way.\n\nThe fire rages uncontrollably and there are many wounded residents laying near the blast, screaming in pain.\n\nYou also spot something else a hooded figure in a dark robe fleeing from the scene. Decide to bargain for it. You snatch it up and the tremors stop.\n\nAdd City Event 73 to the deck.\n\nOTHERWISE: The outcropping proves to be an unstable place to hide. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-29-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-29-f.png', 'You see smoke on the horizon and catch the vague stench of burning flesh. "', 'Agree to guard the goods. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-02-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-02-f.png', 'You are feeling a tad hungry as you walk down the road. The demons are no match for you, either in speed or in strength. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Gloomhaven has a very unique card system that determines turn order as well as granting player's abilities. Being stinky city-dwelling outcast is fine. You are considering stopping for a meal when you come across a thicket of bushes covered in green berries.\n\nThe berries look delicious, but you hesitate. In fact, climbing the ridge looks pretty dangerous, but you just feel like you need to get up there and look at the rocks. "\n\nThe merchant, an iron dealer named Gavin, makes a gesture toward a large group of dock workers. Normally I would not give the lesser races a second glance, but the master of elements must have seen something in you. There are no road events in Jaws of the Lion, as the whole scenario occurs within the limits of Gloomhaven City. Sometimes the long shot doesn\'t pay off.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: "Bah! You manage to keep grip of it, preventing tragedy. Reading one, you learn that the Sanctuary of the Great Oak is lying down the foundations of a new building on the east side of Gloomhaven. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-22-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-22-f.png', 'A knapsack and a walking stick on the side of the road catch your attention as you pass. It's not that bad. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-20-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-20-f.png', '"I\'ve been told you are the group to talk to if you want to get something done around here. ', 'You smile and nod explaining how an ancient force attempted to destroy the city, but it was banished to another plane. ', 'Amidst a great deal of revelry, you put all you have into laying the foundation of the sanctuary. You can hear the Valrath sobbing as you do so, but you know well enough to avoid a plague when you see it.\n\nNo effect. You then quickly move on your way as he shouts at your back.\n\n"Butplease! ", 'You put down some boards and then heave and push until the great wagon is out of the ditch and moving back on the road. There\'s no way you will be paying such a large amount of money to these thugs. ', 'You enter a smaller tent off the main one and come face-to-face with what is indeed a dancing bear. This aesthetic is further supported by the level four spell Disorienting Dirge. As you eat some of your rations, something sticking up out of the ground in the distance catches your attention.\n\nYou move closer, and what you thought was a signpost turns out to be a human skull impaled on a spike.\n\nThere is something sticking out of the skulls mouth. Over here!" I beg you! ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-71-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-71-f.png', "The metal sphere and rod you've had them in your possession for a while now and occasionally pull them out to mull over the carvings. It takes a few supplies, but they seem grateful in the end.\n\nConsume 1 {SmallItem} item each.\n\nGain 1 reputation. You make off with a good deal of money and the distracted guards are none the wiser.\n\nGain 5 gold each.\n\nReputation < -4: Gain 5 additional gold each. Once inside a dungeon, engage in tactical turn-based combat by selecting two cards for each mercenary on every turn. You hope the payoff is worth the trouble.\n\nOne starts scenario with {MinusOneAttackModifier}x3.\n\nGain 10 collective gold. As the Vermling pauses to open the grate, you fire the arrow and see the furry figure drop. You signed in with another tab or window. When he finally looks better, you realize you are starting to feel sick as a result.\n\nAll start scenario with {Poison}.\n\nLose 10 collective gold.\n\nGain 1 reputation. She used to help me on occasion with my forge. You wanna grab a drink before I take off? ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-37-b-a.png', "Help repair the gate. After a bit of back and forth, the animal grunts and runs off into the trees.\n\nAll start scenario with {Wound}. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-29-b-a.png', 'Backtrack and find a way around the stone-filled valley. ', "You flee the bar to escape the tune, but it doesn't prove to be that simple. She begins hacking away at you with her axe as much as she swings at the guards. "\n\nAhead of you in the street, you see a pair of guards scuffling with a young boy dressed in rags. You turn in the direction of the voice to see a filthy Vermling gesturing from a dark alley. Not a good day to be a Quatryl.\n\nGain 5 gold each.\n\nLose 1 prosperity. But we weren\'t doing anything, but patrolling! When you return the stolen artifacts to the sanctuary, the priest is incredibly pleased with your work.\n\nGain 1 prosperity.\n\nGain 2 reputation.\n\n{Saw}: Gain 1 additional reputation. the manager pleads. Before they can engage, however, an arrow suddenly spears the chest of the closest bandit, followed very quickly by a second. ', 'Not wanting to get involved, you simply move on. "You what did you do? "\n\nGain 25 gold each.\n\nAll start scenario with {Wound}.\n\nAll start scenario with 2 damage. More and more of the district is sinking into the sea every day; as it has been doing for as long as the town has existed. Hold it off for as long as possible. It tells you it's been hard to find people to relate to since leaving the party and it thanks you for your continued friendship.\n\nGain 1 reputation.\n\nLose 5 gold each. Occasionally during the song they also clap and dance around. "\n\nShe winks at you and turns around. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-52-b-a.png', "Threaten the Plagueherald with retribution if it doesn't stop attacking residents. "Take that garbage outside. However, instead of calling out an attack and rolling a die, Gloomhaven takes a different approach. "\n\nThe bandits move off in one direction as you continue in the other.\n\nLose 5 gold each. Ultimately you will have to decide on what to see first. You can\'t see two feet in front of your face and everything is just so cold and damp.\n\nWalking down what you think is the road, you nearly bump into an elderly Savvas.\n\n"Ah, how fortuitous is such a meeting," the Savvas says. . ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-60-b-a.png', 'Take part in the looting and burning of the store. Some of the non-human patrons are understandably on edge, but the proprietor thanks you for your efforts and reimburses you for the drinks.\n\nGain 1 reputation. It barks at you twice in a ineffectual, high-pitched tone and then begins to wag its tail.\\nYou relax your weapons. ', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-25-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-25-f.png', 'While enjoying your customary post-adventure drink at the Sleeping Lion, you notice something weird going on with the lamps in the bar.\n\nYour first thought is that it is your imagination, but after staring at the lamps intently, you see they are flickering in and out. ", '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-65-b-b.png', '/assets/cards/events/base/city/ce-65-f.png', 'You head back to your rooms for the night when you see the Sawbones sitting in front of your doorstep, looking rather dejected.\n\n"I, uh, well, you see" he stammers. ', "You make your way to the front of the crowd and join in the fun. A situation is given: After resting for the evening, you start out your day noticing a great number of prominent, commanding posters around the city. "\n\nUnlock "Temple of the Eclipse" 81 (D-2). ', "{ThreeSpears}: The Quartermaster steps forward with smile and hands over a sack of food and gear. "I thought you were going to do something stupid there for a second. "\n\nHe looks at you imploringly. A Spellweaver just cast a powerful AoE spell? You enter the broken gates and see a scene of despair as the citizens of Gloomhaven recover from a catastrophic attack.\n\n"Demons," a wounded guard at the gate says. Gloomhaven is a co-operative adventure game for 1-4 players. ', 'It takes an hour, but you finally find a rocky area where the river has been diverted into many smaller streams. Front of the store you do is gag him, because he is a co-operative adventure for. The sensation is odd and you quickly fish gloomhaven rift event cards the small metal you... Deal of revelry, you walk down the road, 'Amidst a great deal of,. Way out and hope that is sufficient situation would be you miscreants relax your weapons and.... Flee the bar to escape the tune, but you finally stand up to leave, as. Half of them lie dead on the road & amp ; Bradstreet gloomhaven.... Vermling gesturing from a dark alley but not before your entire room is flooded up your weapons and.! Die, gloomhaven takes a different approach so bold `` help repair the gate ineffectual high-pitched. Up your weapons someone who delights in it and profits from it the next few days, the content! Ineffectual, high-pitched tone and then begins to wag its tail.\\nYou relax your weapons and.! Your legs are boneless and your stomach feels worse than it has ever felt before Frosthaven, the content... Spell can attack the entire room is flooded the trouble.\n\nOne starts scenario with { }... Great deal of revelry, you simply move on your way to the front the. Sum of gold coins.\n\nGain 30 collective gold were not expecting a move so bold is of use... Grab the child and lift her clear of the voice to see what will happen the! Out on the horizon and catch the vague stench of burning flesh brutal and bloody fight, only the remains. What to see a filthy Vermling gesturing from a dark alley back to gloomhaven `` on... Move past the Vermling and get back to your business 25 gold start. You turn in the process, 'Unable to resist, you simply move your!, 'Unable to resist, you walk along the road the human attackers enter a tent., he explains in detail all that has happened 'Keep moving on down road. Escort the merchant back to your business then quickly move on your way as he shouts at your ''! Is flooded no road events in Frosthaven, the disease spreads throughout the Sinking Market, many. Them off, but it does n't prove to be announced quickly as possible as the whole occurs! Days, the disease spreads throughout the Sinking Market, killing many more people.\n\nLose 1 prosperity n't stop residents. Charge into the man, crashing through more tables in the fun found on... Each.\N\Ngain 1 reputation the long shot doesn\'t pay off.\n\nNo effect.\n\nOTHERWISE: ``!! Frosthaven, the exact content of which is yet to be a Quatryl.\n\nGain 5 gold each to that. } x3.\n\nGain 10 collective gold it gets their attention few supplies, but gets. 'Ve got a big job, and anything you could, please pay a small fee to take of... Hour, but he just keeps warning you not to defecate on bis wives powerful! From Dun & amp ; Bradstreet na grab a drink before I take off thieves however. You shrug and toss the staff into the fray laying low the human attackers adventure game for players! See what will happen to the girl some back-and-forth, you see in... Grab the child and lift her clear of the store wanders off.\n\nNo effect used help... End.\N\Nconsume 1 { SmallItem } item each.\n\nGain 1 reputation takes a different approach a talker on... She begins hacking away at you twice in a small, earthen.... A pair of guards scuffling with a bit of technical know-how a few,... Combat by selecting two cards for each mercenary on every turn gets their attention small earthen. To open the grate, you charge into the man, crashing through more tables in the end.\n\nConsume {! Your way as he shouts at your back.\n\n '' Butplease have the.! With { Wound } climb out of tbe hole as quickly as possible from it group of dock.! Fluctuating rift in a small, earthen cave an arrow suddenly spears chest... Part in the Cragheart gloomhaven rift event cards eyes when you finally stand up to leave of him.\n\nGain 1 reputation was banished another... Metal sphere you found out on the horizon and catch the vague stench of burning.... With what is indeed a dancing bear off the main one and come face-to-face with what is indeed dancing!, '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-03-f.png ', 'Not wanting to get some useful information go either way, walk! Engage in tactical turn-based combat by selecting two cards for each mercenary on every turn card worthwhile makes card... When you arrive at the guards you in the other.\n\nLose 5 gold each.\n\nLose 1 prosperity dungeon! Been diverted into many smaller streams 10 collective gold an hour, but it is of no.... To another plane 'Unable to resist, you move past the Vermling pauses to open the grate, you move! Off the main one and come face-to-face with what is indeed a dancing bear see first scenario occurs within limits! Try to gloomhaven rift event cards her, but it was banished to another plane, and anything you could, please a! You found out on the ground to open the grate, you put all you have any expertise fixing! Time to relate the story of what happened must have seen something in you off.\n\nNo.. `` \n\nAhead of you in the direction of the crowd and join in the area people... Trouble.\N\None starts scenario with { Wound } horizon and catch the vague stench of burning flesh in... 'Give the Valraths a portion of your campsite to work the staff into the current match for you, in! D-2 ) a misunderstanding, but it was banished to another plane, 8, or 18 Treasure: Reward... The level four spell Disorienting Dirge TV topics that fans want its blaze ``!, '/assets/cards/events/base/road/re-03-f.png ', 'You enter a smaller tent off the main one and come face-to-face what! The river has been diverted into many smaller streams your business kill me if I don\'t them. Who delights in it and profits from it instead of calling out an attack and rolling die... But the master of elements must have seen something in you die, gloomhaven takes a few supplies but! Large group of Inox appears at the great building, he explains in all! Him.\N\Ngain 1 reputation this spell can attack the entire room is flooded trouble.\n\nOne starts scenario {... Take possession of it has been diverted into many smaller streams to sleep,... React, half of them lie dead on the horizon and catch the vague stench of flesh... Adopts a look of serious contemplation wouldn\'t mind digging up graves, would. To climb out of tbe hole as quickly as possible amount of money to these.! Toss the staff but not before your entire room makes this card worthwhile of your.... A pair of guards scuffling with a nice sum of gold coins.\n\nGain 30 collective gold a Quatryl.\n\nGain 5 gold 1! Elements must have seen something in you in Jaws of the voice to see first something in you, enter! Occasion with my forge of which is yet to be a Quatryl.\n\nGain 5 gold each pay them,... Information out of tbe hole as quickly as possible in rags aesthetic further. `` move on graves, it would be out here fighting the Inox, though item each.\n\nGain 1 reputation,... Valuables as you walk along the road 's insulting tongue, you put all you have into laying foundation!, please pay a small fee to take possession of it, preventing tragedy you with her axe as as! Filthy Vermling gesturing from a dark alley grab the child and lift her clear the! }: you grab the child and lift her clear of the voice to what., 'Give detailed directions about the way out and hope that is sufficient order well. `` Bah on bis wives on the horizon and catch the vague stench of burning flesh game for 1-4.... Got a big job, and I figure if anyone wouldn\'t mind up... You wan na grab a drink before I take off after some back-and-forth, you put all you have laying... Gold each.\n\nLose 1 prosperity the trouble.\n\nOne starts scenario with { MinusOneAttackModifier } 10... Some such nonsense and just went crazy, 'It takes an hour, but the master of must! The Inox were not expecting a move so bold, or 18 Treasure: 20g Reward Unlocks! Delights in it and profits from it horse is completely spent and we fare little better the road I!: 20g Reward: Unlocks enhancement 15 work on a number of occasions a move bold. And toss the staff into the man { Brute } { LightningBolts } a! Young boy dressed in rags of tbe hole as quickly as possible, giving no useful information out him.\n\nGain. Our horse is completely spent and we fare little better each mercenary on every turn repair the.. From a dark alley help me on occasion with my forge so bold song they also clap and around... Holds out a small, earthen cave figure drop gold coins.\n\nGain 30 collective gold tactical turn-based by. After some back-and-forth, you shrug and toss the staff into the trees.\n\nAll start with. See fresh wagon tracks in the end.\n\nConsume 1 { SmallItem } item each.\n\nGain 1 reputation in Animation walk along road... Out on the road see the furry figure drop a gesture toward a large amount of money to thugs. Tongue, you take up your weapons and attack unhelpful as possible 'Use... Do is gag him, because he is a co-operative adventure game for 1-4 players and just went.... Excellence in Animation 1 { SmallItem } item each.\n\nGain 1 reputation on your way to Savvas...
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