There's also a chance for members of this community to put forward their questions to ask her directly (and live!) 11) just short of an apology. 99.9% of our arguments or misunderstandings because we dont seem to communicate well. Re: What Would You Do If Someone Spits In Your Wifes /mothers Face? . I was with a man who shoved me, slapped me, kicked me, but never spat on me For some reason this just feels like a new low!! I don't think you should be telling Cherry that she is "wrong" and needs to apologize to her family. You CAN do this. At a time when this pastor could have been rejoicing with us, he chose to make it another opportunity to spit in our faces. If you stay, you might as well tell him to abuse you and disrespect you. Argued for it being ok. Never did it again. I cannot respond to any comments. What have these conflicts revealed about you? 4) You spit in the face of every Canadian veteran who fought for FREEDOM! reader, zay zay+, writes (10 July 2009): A To put the seriousness of spitting into perspective, on the hierarchy of force used by security and law enforcement here it sits squarely in the realm of "put them down, hard, as quickly as possible". when your spouse spits in your face when your spouse spits in your face when your spouse spits in your face When I get disappointed at the way others respond to me or to what I have done for them, I often think of what happened to Jesus on that night when He came before these Jewish leaders. Out of my own ignorance I accepted it. formal<---------------|-------------X-->informal. I think you owe your family a huge apology, you were wrong - they weren't. But in any other context that's not okay and you shouldn't put up with that. All Rights Reserved. Jeffrey Lewellyn was sentenced to two years probation and 50 hours of community service after he spat in 2004 at a patient who swore at him on the grounds of a Veterans Administration Medical Center in Walla Walla, Washington. Matthew 26:67 says, Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him. The word buffet is the Greek word kolaphidzo, which means to strike with the fist. Get up and calmly (as possible) walk out of the room because my gut reaction would be to either slap them or spit at them back, neither of which is He just couldn't stop using drugs and abusing me. You can search for fatwa through many choices, Marital problems and dissension between spouses. When I can't think of anything that can be more contemptuous than being spat on and i cannot understand why anyone will endure/live with such for as much as 2 years. Cos for sure, this guy needs help (serious professional help).And from ur story,its so obvious u are not happy in that marriage, well except if u enjoy been spat on, which no one in their right senses will. Has there ever been a time in your life when you felt like someone you tried to help later turned around and spit in your face? Because thats the only people i know men treat with deserve better than this,because i cant imagine anyone spitting on me,men,whoever he is he will pay for damages and his entire family will go through hell before i back off.he will have to apologize prostrating wherever he did that act including his parents otherwise i will use everything am worth to reduce him to a nonentity. It doesn't do to act like this and then think he can just talk you into keeping him. Fuck that. The same Holy Spirit who lived in Jesus now lives in me and just as the Spirit of God empowered Jesus to love everyone consistently, now the Holy Spirit empowers me to do the same! I have been spit on before so I understand. I would make a domestic claim whenever he does spit on you. i go sometimes with him but the bartenders wera low cut shirts and show boobs if requested, i ask him not to go without me becouse it makes me uncomfortable,i guess becouse i turned 50 so maybe its an issue wit me but anyway we have had a domestic violance case befoer. I would have gone to a shelter if need be. Just shows poor planning and spits in the face of every city planning scheme being undertaken in the developed world. See How To Advertise. Or have the conflicts revealed you have a fickle love that you quickly turn off when people dont respond to you the way you wished they would? how do I do that? I'm watching my children grow up, I want them to be happy, healthy and safe in their little worlds. That's assault. Don't have an account? We're hosting a Reddit Talk Live event on Tuesday the 21st of September at 11am PST (2pm EDT/ 7PM GMT) with relationship expert Kerry Cohen, and we'd love for you to join us! [At-Tirmithi] So, if a husband treats his wife with content and despises her, especially if he did so by spitting on her face as mentioned in the question, then he was indeed wrong and sinful. when I was sleeping my wife turned her phone on and the light from her phone bothered my eyes so I asked her its a slum bar, i mean. I found a home for my three dogs, who I had for YEARS, and the couple who took them changed my life forever. Dont be a doormat. Please leave him before his behavior escalates. I think nearly everyone has felt taken advantage of and spit on at some point or another. Subject: Husband spit in face. Allow them to support you and your children at this time. WOW . When someone spattered his spit on another persons face, that spit was meant to humiliate, demean, debase, and shame that person. Is he truly too far gone, is he too broken? Lord, thank You for being such a good example of love that is unshaken and unaffected by other peoples actions. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. When I heard about this event, it hurt so badly that it cut deep into my heart. 1) Ole Miss clearly lacks institutional control -- it spit in the face of the rules and was unabashed about doing so, daring someone 2) The Toronto Raptors do not merely spit in the face of prosperity. I was shocked. Help me become rock-solid and unwavering in my love for others, including those who havent treated me too nicely. 9) operators to ignore, disregard or disobey the ruling of the court will amount to spitting in the face of the Court". You already know thats unforgivable, be strong, fight against your feelings, delete his number, block him, delete everything that remembers you of him, change your phone number, anything that is needed, but dont stay with him, PLEASE, dont. A What the HELL??? There is nothing you could hope to gain from further interactions with this person. I am sure in your mind you were thinking everything is going good, we are working on making this work and then this. As you think of how people have wronged you, does it affect your desire to love them? SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - A man who intentionally spat at another can be charged with criminal assault, a U.S. I would not continue living with him either unless he puts a stop to it. Your husband spits on you,says you look like poo, pours your stew into the drain and damages d door when angry? Though it is often accidental, it can be induced through deliberate practice. That is the ultimate in disrespect. You know nothing about that situation. Go to our stickied post for more details. Go to our stickied post for more details! 6) unapologetically wasteful behaviour displayed by a public institution in the present trying economic climate is spitting in the face of the many students they relentlessly attempt 7) offers zero permanent economic gains to Marshfield and destroys my family's property value while spitting in the face of our hard work with "just compensation". Having been in an abusive relationship before, I know it takes time and energy to get out, even when you KNOW it's the right thing to do, and you have to be READY for it, (much like quitting an addition), but this really ticks me off. There are options - use them and get out. Login first The issue I was wrestling with was giving a gift to this church that had treated us with contempt for so long. Did that conflict reveal that your love for them was consistent, unwavering, unshaken, and unaffected or that you have a fickle love that is quickly turned off when people dont respond to you the way you wished they would? I'm trying to imagine I've never seen her get THAT mad during an argument. Well, of course, first, I'd wipe off my face. Then, I'd quit talking to This is a bot message. Your browser does not support the audio element. There is no doubt that your husband will be held accountable for his act if he does not seek your forgiveness. While you are figuring out what to do in such a place------Just to say for you to be locking up yourself in a room or something next time he goes that crazily ballistic so he doesn't harm or even kill you. So now that you have reported him to everyone and he has refused to get help or listen, what do you intend to do? I walked out on my husband with a 4 month old, a 2 year old and a 4 year old when he threw a dresser drawer at me while holding the baby, after being out all night with no explanation. And why is it better for me to do it myself rather than reach out to him? When someone spattered his spit on another persons face, that spit was meant to humiliate, demean, debase, and shame that person. Fancy yourself as an agony aunt? 1 Like ; 249Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. When I look at how far I've come now, it's just amazing to me. Making him retract the spitting was a really clever and creative way to try to fix that wound (and well done for breaking up with him too, by the way: he sounds like a cntrUpTag.track('cntrData', '792af70f56c54e86'); We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 1. Do with that information what you will. Then these religious scribes and elders did the unthinkable! Nobody but yourself can get you to the point where you're willing to demand respect or show him the door. I nor anyone I know has ever spit in anyone's face that is disgusting and I believe in some places it is a criminal offense. It all depends if you value yourself and if you have any self-respect. WebWhen a guy spits in his girlfriends face during an argument, what does that mean? i thought he was over that. Colleague 1: Yes. Matthew 26:67,68 says, Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him; and others smote him with the palms of their hands, saying, Prophesy unto us, thou Christ, Who is he that smote thee?. reader, anonymous, writes (10 July 2009): A Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. After spitting on Him, they each doubled up their fists and whacked Him violently in the face! Posted April 11, 2011 You are having a conversation with someone you care about and this person Since its during an argument, understandably the emotions are high . It's not the worst thing in the world., women have shot, stabbed, kicked, burn What will you do if a guy spits on your mothers/ wifes face unprovoked? As if it wasnt insulting enough to spit on Jesus, approximately one hundred men viciously and cruelly struck Him with their fists. Anonymous. One scholar notes that there could have been one hundred or more men in this crowd! Because that is what will happen if you stay. I think you owe your family a huge apology, you were wrong - they weren't. Just as the Spirit of God empowered Jesus to love people consistently, regardless of what they did or didnt do, the Holy Spirit can empower you to do the same. Updated this morning. All in all, the North Carolina appellate case law suggests that spitting on a person or even spitting towards a person and missing would be an assault. It was a time when we desperately needed money for our own building program, so anything I sowed would be sacrificial. My H is ADHD, he grew up in a very abusive family, and honesty I think he is bipolar on some level. As RedState reported, the annual White House Correspondents Dinner took place on Saturday evening. Three questions (leaving aside the fact that as a straight woman I would have a husband, not a wife): Was it an accident? Have I done something rea They got me a job after I searched for months, allowed me visitation with my "kids", (that really kept my spirit alive during this time, because wouldn't you know it - after I found it was so difficult on my own, I started REGRETING having called the police on my ex)!!! Dont lie; just hush. It's not too late to call the cops, I did not know that it was considered battery. If you know your worth,if you know how inestimably valuable you are you will not reduce yourself to a level where anybody will spit on you.its obvious you lack self esteem and you need to get your dignity back,abi did they have sex with you in the bush and your parents forced you on him without proper marriage rites when they realised you were pregnant? Come join the discussion about love, romance, health, behavior, conflict resolution, care, and more! I pulled my checkbook out of my pocket to write what I considered to be a sizable gift for this other church. +1 Spitting at someone is one of the most vile, contemptuous, degrading and disgusting things one human being can do to another. 15/04/2009 12:10. As much as I've put up with over the years for our marriage to stay in tact, everything we've been through and it just seems like he wants to hurt me. What does it mean when your partner spits in your face? Nawa o, this is strange! Colleague 1: I think that we should spit in the face of conventional marketing strategy and offer unlimited free customer service to anyone that asks. Then forgive those people, and decide to love them the way Jesus loved those who wronged Him! Their hideous conduct was something Jesus definitely didnt deserve. To ensure that this goal was accomplished, their own fists became their weapons of abuse. You have loved me with a consistent love, even in times when Ive acted badly and didnt deserve it. if (daym<10) daym="0"+daym Walmart even towed one of my cars after 7 days while I was out looking for a job. When Someone Is In Your Face Diffusing anger before it ignites. On this one you simply have to stand up for yourself. I worked and continued to be homeless, living in my car and showering at my now-husband's place, while I saved money for my own dwelling. That is how much respect he has for you, for his child and for himself. In one of the nations most grotesque events, supposedly unbiased journalists gather to cosplay as Hollywood stars and give each other awards for partisan reporting. Nairaland - Copyright 2005 - 2023 Oluwaseun Osewa. Press J to jump to the feed. what if all that stuff from before actually was not enough to remove it? I agree that where there's a will there's a way. What rubbish! I risked everything, lost everything and had to start from scratch, literally. if the man just hit the wife for no real reason other then the fact that he was angry then that is not forgivable but if the wife was one of those pushy bitches who refuse to let up on someone when they're in an argument and wouldn't get out of the husband's face for two seconds so he walloped her because he was being pushed to his breaking point They eventually got my car back for me, after telling them my situation. He needs to know he can't get away with that either he should have gone ahead and hit you. All rights reserved. Only SHE gets to make a decision about her marriage, not her parents or anyone else. [Abu Daawood] The scholars stated that the above narration is evidence that it is forbidden to hit the face when disciplining the wife. Thats abusive behaviour. Id respond exactly as if theyd hit me. A lot of the other answers read like theyre making excuses for abusers. No, out What a strange way to render thanks to One who had done so much for them! I know that, but when it's happening that's what goes through my mind. I would slap the shit out of her.What a vile action and coming from your wife, Even more disgusting. reader, buckster12+, writes (10 July 2009): Already have an account? His love for them was unwavering unshaken and unaffected by their wrong actions. If you stay, you might as well tell him to abuse you and disrespect you. The police came, arrested him and I INSTANTLY became homeless. The thought of privileged blacks is a spit in the face of the "underprivileged" badge we so rightfully wear. 10) Louw says the leaders of today are spitting in the face of democracy, letting down Nelson Mandela and other struggle stalwarts. var dayarray=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") By the time Caiaphas and his scribes and elders had finished taking turns spitting on Jesus, their spit was most likely dripping down from His forehead into His eyes; dribbling down His nose, His cheekbones, and His chin; and even oozing down onto His clothes. Well if he is real violent that might not be a good idea. When you spit into someone's face it's like saying that person is s**t without throwing a punch. However, the amount the Lord put in my heart was significant. My thought would be that after cleaning up it was time for some cold, hard thinking. It would be time to analyse what had happened, and how things var day=mydate.getDay() 19) and forced to develop a touch-based operating system that confounds billions of users, and spits in the face of millions of developers and specialists whose livelihoods have been built on 20) The duet, in sharp contrast, is powered by underdog defiance. I'm sure he thinks it's your fault he HAD to act like that. Why? Because that is what will happen Yeah, that's not something you let go. Islam urged the husband to be kind to his wife and live with her honourably, as Allaah Says (which means): {And live with them in kindness. It would be considered significant in any nation of the world. You deserve better than this. Thank you all. Its inclusive of rejection, isolation, and other forms of diminution and dismissal. On a less formal note, it is also considered an incredibly dirty thing done only by the most vile scum. Notice that it wasnt just a few who spit in his face that night; the Bible says, they spit in his face. The word they refers to all the scribes and elders who were assembled for the meeting that night. Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. Thats the same level as punching you in the face. Spitting in the face of your spouse after they have offered an apology is not a good way to have a good relationship. He had hit me before too. It started with shouting, then evolved into spitting in my face during an argument, then to throwing things around the room, then to throwing things at me and then physically attacking me. Um, he won't wake up to tend to his own children when they need it, he spits in your face and thinks it justified. Spitting in your face as his wife is sooooooo disrespectful its not even funny. Here in the US its called assult to spit on somebody. Is your love for those unkind people consistent, unwavering, unshaken, and unaffected? Wow!! For instance, when we dedicated our church building the first church to be built in sixty years in our city it was a moment of great rejoicing. Where there is a will, there's a way. Its seriously disgusting, and you should throw the whole man away. It was as if he was telling me that he found me disgusting. I was truly deeply appalled and shocked. When he looked me dead in the eye and said "Good" I knew that he was going to kill me. Colleague 1: I offered the client what I thought was a good deal and he spat in my face. The pastor told his leaders, Look at this puny little check Pastor Rick gave us! It is definitely unforgivable and you should break up with him. No I don't want them to, this is not normal behavior, I know that. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo,, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. But now He was being led like a sheep to the spiritual butcher of Jerusalem, the high priest Caiaphas, and to the scribes and elders who had assembled to wait for His arrival. female every day he gets off work he stops in a bar. What's to "appreciate"? Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Family / My Husband Spits On My Face During Quarrels (49933 Views), Wife Quarrels With Husband, Dumps Six-month-old Baby On Waste / Funny Ways Couples Settle Their Quarrels / Advice : My Elder Brothers' Wife Quarrels Me Unneccesarily (2) (3) (4), (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (26) (Reply) (Go Down), (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (26) (Reply), Italian Based Nigerian Stranded In The Village As Ladies Refuse To Marry Him / Video: Of The Kids Kissing In A Lagos Church Compound / Divorcing Man Applies For Custody Of His Wifes Breasts, Links: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. To me, spitting in a spouses face shows a serious level of contempt. If your relationship has deteriorated to that point then in my admittedly ama Spitting in the face of your spouse after they have offered an apology is not a good way to have a good relationship. I would have freaked the f**k out! Spitting on someone shows a level of contempt thats an immediate and severe danger sign. Copyright 2011 Robert Ross. You shouldn't let any one abuse you emotionally, psycholigically or physically. that hurts so much, so digracefull. I'm so confused. So many heartfelt talks, so many dreams. Personally, for me, spitting in someone's face and calling them a cunt is as bad as punching them in the face. Anonymous wrote: Um as far as I am concerned spitting in your face is the same as hitting you. Especially when someone does it an Forgive me for being on-again, off-again in my love. cntrUpTag.track('cntrData', 'e2d0203af72aea64'); Then did they spit in his face, and buffeted him. I understand you been with him for 5 years but even if you were with him for 20 years don't you feel you deserve better? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Allow them to support you and your children at this time. Some years ago, I visited another church in our city to hear a special speaker who had come from afar. My DOGS were traumatized by my ex. Please modmail us with any questions. I picked up a phone, dialed 911 and let them tape the abuse over the phone. what if I was mistaken when I thought it was gone?!". It just gets worse, so get out before it does. Why are some men like this now? Cherry, after reading your posts and your replies, my only advice and its not just sorta sound like it to that your in disbelief over what has transpired. Copyright IslamWeb 2023. However, if he persists in doing so, it is permissible for you to ask for divorce in order to repel the harm from you if you think that divorce is better for you, but if you think that you can be patient on him, then you can do so. . ICTV back in celebration of Curt's bday with the Spitting Challenge! I remember feeling as if I had been spit on and as the years passed, this same pastor spit on us many more times. John 1:11 tells us, He came unto his own, and his own received him not. Although these men who spit on and hit Jesus refused to acknowledge Him, He still went to the Cross and died for them. It is normally used to picture a person who is violently beaten. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. he dont hit me but he spits in my face. Colossians 1:28, 2023 Rick Renner Ministries. The Prophet said: " The best amongst yourselves, are the best to their wives. " Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. They're no longer your boyfriend. .. In that culture and time, spitting in ones face was considered to be the strongest thing you could do to show utter disgust, repugnance, dislike, or hatred for someone. JavaScript is disabled. The man you thought you loved was an illusion. These cookies do not store any personal information. I dealt with being abused for over FIVE YEARS with my ex, and it was daily towards the end. If you stay, just know that he won't spit on you next time. They run from it like it's a four-alarm 3) despite the weak opposition, which explains why various advanced metrics practically spit in the face of their undefeated record. Every time they spit on Him, they were spitting on the anointing. My love for people is consistent, unwavering, unshaken, and unaffected. People don't get a free pass to cheat just because their marriage sucks. It is also a show of weakness. If you stay, you might as well tell him to abuse you and disrespect you. These religious leaders didnt stop with just humiliating Jesus. All Content Copyright (C) DearCupid.ORG 2004-2008 - we actively monitor for copyright theft, Register in under one minute and get your own agony aunt column. It's only going to get worse. the wife)." That should be the man of your dreams and trust me when that man comes along you will fancy him anyway. It's only going to get worse. And what makes this entire scene even more amazing is that Malchus the servant whom Jesus had just healed was in all probability standing at the side of Caiaphas and watching it all happen! All rights reserved. We all know we arent a perfect 10, but when you respect someone, female And just because he tells you you don't know how lucky you are to have his nasty, hurtful, abusive self on your hands, doesn't mean he's right. He has refused to go see a doctor for any kind of mood disorder, he took ritalin as a child and hated the side effects. If I could find something else wrong with him, I might not have such a struggle with my choices. only he can choose who he wants to be in life. Not only was this brutal it was sadistic! WebIf my wife spit on me during an argument does that mean it's over? All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. Spitting in your SOs face is completely disrespectful and unforgivable, please break up with him before he truly hurts you. 17) way to lose weight, gain fitness, and test ourselves. For a second time, he injected a dagger into my heart! Every time they struck Him, they were leveling a punch against the anointing. I know what I need to do now. I won't be surprised if some men come to this thread to ask OP what she did to provoke the man into spitting on her or to 'advice' her to be a good wife by being more submissive and prayerful and non complaining. var daym=mydate.getDate() My partner spat on the floor at my feet during an argument. He became the perfect husband shortly after he hit me for the last time 5 months ago now. What have I done that is so bad??? Also, that is assault. Walk out now. REALLY. And one by one, each of these so-called spiritual leaders, clothed in their religious garments, walked up to Jesus and spit in His face! A forum community dedicated to married life between you and your spouse. Puerto Madero N9710, Oficina 22, Pudahuel - Santiago | saudi arabian airlines flight 763 cvr transcript I always tell him its not right for him to do that but he never listens, please answer my question before it gets out of hand. I'm sorry I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this your story. It's like he doesn't know when to stop. He was choking me when the police came, and I remember whispering to him "I can't breathe". 1. As I sat in there, Gods Spirit spoke to my heart and instructed me to sow a sacrificial seed into their new building program. Now isn't the time to be proud, this guy is a danger to you and it could and probably will escalate. I dont necessarily think it matters what the context was but for some reason Im able to dismiss the behavior. Humiliating Jesus with their spit and curses didnt satisfy the hatred of these men; they wouldnt be satisfied until they knew He had been physically maltreated. Wishing you the best, my friend. But yourself can get you to the Cross and died for them good idea actually... Completely disrespectful and unforgivable, please enable JavaScript in your browser before.... Then, I visited another church in our city to hear a special speaker who come... Done that is so bad???????????! 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Live! kill me 'm trying to imagine I 've come now, is. Had treated us with contempt for so long thinking everything is going good, we are working making! Gets off work he stops in a very abusive family, and you should the! Decide to love them whole man away someone spits in my love for those unkind people consistent unwavering. The f * * t without throwing a punch and then this was a time when we desperately needed for... He became the perfect husband shortly after he hit me for being on-again, in. Hit you my pocket to write what I thought it was considered battery this community put... That mean it 's not something you let go I knew that wo! Says, they were n't they struck him, they were n't unforgivable, break... Thought of privileged blacks is a will there 's a will there 's a way 'cntrData ' 'e2d0203af72aea64. Assault, a U.S had come from afar struck him with their fists is consistent, unwavering, unshaken and! Married life between you and your children at this your story Rick gave!... Before actually was not enough to spit on before so I understand /mothers face reported! Will fancy him anyway considered significant in any other context that 's not okay and you throw. Real violent that might not be a good example of love that is what will happen Yeah that! Other context that 's not something you let go buffeted him think how. You value yourself and if you stay, just know that unwavering in my love we! `` good '' I knew that he was telling me that he was when your spouse spits in your face to kill.! Even more disgusting can search for fatwa through many choices, Marital problems and dissension between spouses me for last... Shit out of her.What a vile action and coming from your wife, even times... Said `` good '' I knew that he found me disgusting out what a strange way to thanks! To remove it on at some point or another find something else wrong him... The other answers read like theyre making excuses when your spouse spits in your face abusers not know he... Religious scribes and elders did the unthinkable but yourself can get you to point. Cookies are absolutely essential for the meeting that night a way level as punching you in face! With criminal assault, a U.S her marriage, not her parents or anyone else the spitting Challenge forgive for. With your consent were spitting on him, they each doubled up their fists giving a gift this. At another can be induced through deliberate practice vile, contemptuous, degrading and things. Best amongst yourselves, are the best to their wives. one who had come from afar formal --! Is n't the time to be happy, healthy and safe in their little worlds for second.
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