The Nurse Practice Committee determined that it is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to remove the initial post-surgical vaginal pack provided: As noted above, the patient who has a vaginal pack in place to stop or slow bleeding/hemorrhage is not a candidate for the packing to be removed by the registered nurse. The registered nurse is educated and competent in the procedure. It is within the scope of practice of the licensed nurse to hand a patient pre-packaged pharmaceutical samples with the original label and packaging intact or a medication that a physician or pharmacist has appropriately repackaged and labeled from a bulk container and meets the Board of Pharmacy, Medical Licensure Board, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) guidelines provided: Refer to theRole of the Licensed Practical Nurse in Nasogastric Tube Insertionposition statement. Combined with attendance and participation in twelve stop programs and periodic therapeutic groups, these principles have been shown to have the most success in supporting and sustaining long term recovery in individuals suffering from this disease. Click Here to download Complaint Form. The facility has policies and procedures in place to address these issues. The The documented competencies should include hemodynamic monitoring and skills include in ACLS and basic critical care; The registered nurse practices and the patient is monitored according to accepted standards or practice; All necessary resources, including emergency equipment and resources, are readily available; The facility has policies and procedures in place addressing all aspects of this issue; and. The expanded role certification recognition is not included in the multi-state license. The nurse/facility must determine which medication is appropriate for the nurse to safely administer based on the nurse's education and competence, current standards of practice, and the facility's policies and procedures. The physician or dentist may provide supervision in the medical or dental office. If your primary state of residence is Mississippi your license will be designated as MULTI-STATE. The registered nurse demonstrates education and current competency in the biological, physical, behavioral, psychological and sociological sciences and of nursing theory as the basis for assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention and evaluation of the restrained or secluded patient; demonstrates knowledge of all aspects of safe and appropriate application and use of restraints or seclusion including, but not limited to: types or techniques of restraint or seclusion used in the facility, identification of staff and patient behaviors, identification of events and/or environmental factors that may trigger behavioral changes in the patient, and recognition of and response to adverse events (e.g., signs and symptoms of physical and psychological distress); The registered nurse's education and competency are documented in facility records initially and on an on-going basis; The registered nurse communicates with (e.g., telephone, e-mail, etc.) It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to administer Dobutrex (dobutamine) and Primacor in the out-patient setting provided: On April 11, 2004, the Board reviewed a request for clarification of the role of the registered nurse in the administration of Nesiritide (Natrecor) in the home-health/hospice setting. It is the state of a person's declared fixed permanent and principal home for legal purposes. Weve put together a selection of quick links that can help you find the most important information that you need. For more recent Disciplinary Action, visit Discipline. Independently change a disposable collection system; or. The nurse is educated and competent in the procedure. An acceptable nursing program is one which is approved or accredited by the appropriate agency within the state. Below are the number of serious actions against registered nurses LPNs will be required to comply with Continuing Education requirements for the renewal, endorsement, or reinstatement applications if the nurse has been out of practice for greater than five (5) years. The registered nurse may not delegate the task of specialized nail/foot care to the licensed practical nurse. In the event an order clarification is needed, it should be given as a usual medical order, whereas, the licensed nurse is educated and competent, there is a medical order, the licensed nurse practices according to accepted standards of care, and the facility has policies and procedures in place to address all aspects of the issue. When administering any medication, the nurse should be knowledgeable of and comply with all applicable state and federal laws, rules, regulations and guidelines pertaining to the specific medication including, but not limited to, those of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy and the Board of Nursing. The licensee may not engage in the practice of nursing. The nurse is given the latitude to use "nursing judgment" in determining the amount to be administered based on the client's clinical status. However, it is not within the scope of practice of the licensed practical nurse to perform deep right main stem suctioning. The LPN shall not be supervised by unlicensed personnel. The facility has policies and procedures in place to address all aspects of this issue. Serious Disciplinary Actions. There must be documentation on file of the education and competency initially and on an ongoing basis; There is documentation that the nurse has the knowledge and skills to perform the procedure; The procedure is performed in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and guidelines including, but not limited to, those pertaining to determination of death, deaths that may be under the jurisdiction of the medical examiner, and disposition of bodies. It is not within the scope of practice of the registered nurse to suture, unless the registered nurse is an advanced practice registered nurse or the registered nurse who meets the definition of a registered nurse first assistant (RNFA). States are required to report sanctions against health providers to the federal government. compliance & monitoring. The RN must perform the initial assessment of all students. When is it acceptable to have after hours access to the pharmacy by a licensed nurse? Upon receipt of the assessment, the monitoring staff will contact the nurse about treatment options. Code Pt. If your new home state is a compact state and you hold a Mississippi multistate license, you may continue to practice in your new home state while awaiting the issuance of your new license. The board of nursing (BON), through its statutory authority specified in the nurse practice act, is responsible for reviewing and acting on complaints in order to fulfill their mission to protect the public. As additional education and experience are required to obtain the necessary technical skills and knowledge to function as the assistant to the surgeon during an operation, advanced surgical assisting skills are outside the scope of practice the registered nurse. In accordance with the Nurse Practice Law, the board may issue a temporary permit to practice nursing to a graduate of an approved school of nursing pending the results of the first licensing examination in Mississippi, and to a qualified applicant from another state, territory or possession of the United States, or District of Columbia, or pending licensure procedures as provided for elsewhere in this article. This education and competence must be documented initially and on an ongoing basis. Request for additional information concerning past discipline may be requested through ouronline license verification system. The Gateway provides a single, secure portal to manage their licenses and certificates. Article XXIX, Section 4, Subsection C of the regulations states, Whenever any drug is not available from floor supplies or other storage areas and such drug is required to treat the immediate needs of a patient whose health Read More. This includes assessing the patient's needs, formulating a nursing diagnosis, planning for, implementing and evaluating the patient's care" It is further stated that the licensed practical nurse "may assist the registered nurse in the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care by," in part, "observing, recording and reporting to the appropriate person the signs and symptoms that may be indicative of change in the patient's condition." The licensed nurse is educated and competent in the procedure. If a nurse is assigned to a shelter in which people are taking refuge at the last minute, the nurse should perform emergency first aid, follow applicable written protocols and contact medical control through the established mechanisms as soon as possible. As stated in 30 Miss. Should a licensed individual decide to be employed in any healthcare or non-healthcare setting, The Mississippi Board of Nursing is only charged with the duty to hold that licensee to the pertinent scope of practice. Excessive and inappropriate use of drugs and alcohol impairs the users judgments, performance, insight and ability to function at their highest level of competence. It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared licensed practical nurse to apply compression bandages/dressings provided: Nursing assessment is outside the scope of practice of the licensed practical nurse. The facility has policies procedure in place addressing all aspects of the issue. It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to pronounce death provided: It is not within the scope of practice of the licensed practical nurse to pronounce death or certify death. No, additional documentation is not required to renew LPN Expanded Therapy Role. A central line is the recommended route for administration; The patient is monitored according to accepted standards of practice; There is documentation of appropriate patient/caregiver teaching for monitoring for drug-related problems of the therapy; and. Licensing Nursing Program Approval Enforcement Information. In all other settings, supervision and delegation must be by a RN. It is recommended to obtain legal counsel in Nursing Board disciplinary matters because failure to understand and/or exercise a nurses legal rights can result in unintended consequences some of which cannot be reversed. The number of patients a nurse may care for with reasonable skill and safety should be determined by evaluation of the nurse's educational preparation, experience and competencies; acuity of the patients; layout of the facility and equipment; and other resources available for care of the patient. The registered nurse must document and sign the portion of the assessment which he/she completed. Failure to comply with this rule may subject the APRN to disciplinary action or other administrative sanction. The licensed nurse is responsible for assuring he/she is educated and competent to care for the number of patients assigned, to perform necessary procedure(s), or to administer medication(s) prior to accepting such a patient assignment or task. On a selected basis, and within safe limits, the role of the licensed practical nurse shall be expanded by the board under its rule-making authority to more complex procedures and settings commensurate with additional preparation and experience.. Information regarding educational requirements and the RNFA role can be obtained from AORN, 10170 East MS Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80231, Telephone: (303) 755-6300. As with any nursing procedure, the nurse must be competent to perform the specific procedure and the procedure must be performed according to accepted standards of practice. The nurse is educated and competent in the procedures. Administer experimental or investigative/research drugs. This would allow a RN supervisor to float between school settings provided the RN remains available to the LPN at all times. Continuing education for these procedures must be ongoing and documented; The supervising physician or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) must have expertise in laser therapy and be immediately available and able to respond within five (5) minutes to any question or adverse event; The supervising physician or APRN performs and documents an initial assessment prior to treatment and as needed during the course of therapy; There is a medical order for the procedure, to include control settings and/or strength of solutions to be used; The registered nurse practices according to accepted standards of practice; Necessary resources are available; and. Code Pt.2830, R 2.4(G),states, "Unless otherwise specified in these regulations, the LPN certified in IV therapy may perform advanced acts of IV therapy if the supervisor is physically on the premises where the patient is having nursing care provided. The scope of practice of a RN new graduate is that of a RN; the scope of practice of a LPN new graduate is that of a LPN. Under the Compact, the registered nurse/licensed practical nurse license is issued by your primary state of residence (home state) will be recognized among all Compact states. Board Action January 2010. Regulations further state that "the Director of Nursing Services is responsible for the operation of the service including the types and numbers of nursing personnel as needed. The school nurses role encompasses much more than the implementation of medications and procedures. The licensed practical nurse is appropriately educated and certified in hyperbaric oxygen therapy in accordance with National Board of Diving standards. It was determined that it is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to perform ear stapling provided: It was further determined that it is not within the scope of practice of the licensed practical nurse to perform ear stapling as treatment for obesity, migraine headaches, insomnia, etc. 2830, Chapter 1, R 1.3: The RN shall be held accountable for the quality of nursing care given by self or others being supervised. This includes but is not limited to, assessing the patients needs, supervising, formulating a nursing diagnosis, planning for, implementing and evaluation of the nursing care in the promotion and the maintenance of health of each patient for whom responsibility has been accepted. The Mississippi Nursing Practice Law and the Administrative Code of the Board of Nursing, state negligently or willfully acting in a manner inconsistent with the health and safety of the persons under the licensee's care, including, but not limited to, inappropriately delegating or accepting a patient assignment, and assuming duties and responsibilities in the practice of nursing when competency has not been maintained may compromise the health and safety of patients and are grounds for disciplinary action against the nurse's license. Per 30 Mississippi Administrative Code the registered nurse may assign duties of administration of patient medications to other licensed nurses only (either a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse). It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared licensed practical nurse to perform phlebotomy for the purpose of specimen collection provided: The licensed practical nurse who is not certified in the expanded role of the licensed practical nurse in IV therapy may not perform the phlebotomy procedure for purposes of initiating an IV. Code, Part 2810, Chapter 4, Rule 4.6, licensees holding inactive licensure will need to apply for reinstatement of an active license. Nurses allowed access to the pharmacy shall receive thorough education and training in the proper method of access, removal of drugs and records and procedures by the Director of Pharmacy, who shall require at a minimum the following: It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to function as a registered nurse on an ambulance provided: It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to apply Anodyne Therapy System Home Unit. Code, Part 2860, Chpater 1; and assign duties for giving patient treatments to licensed nurses and/or auxiliary workers based upon knowledge of their education preparation and experience. This education and competence must be documented initially and on an ongoing basis; There is a medical order for the procedure, including the type tube to be used for replacement; There are no contraindications related to the patient's condition; The licensed nurse practices according to accepted standards of practice; There is a well-healed tract without sign/symptoms of infections; and. The school nurses role also includes administering medication and responding to emergencies both of which require an initial and ongoing patient assessment. The nurse/facility must determine which of these drugs are appropriate based on the nurses education and competence, current standards of practice, and the facilitys policies and procedures. On April 13, 2007, the Board of Nursing's Nurse Practice Committee completed its review of a request for reconsideration of the role of the registered nurse in removing the initial post-operative vaginal pack. Getting to Know Your Licensing Board: the North Carolina Board of Nursing at a Glance; What Nurses need to know about Informatics, Social Media, and Security! It is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared registered nurse to irrigate chest tubes, mediastinal catheters, and pericardial catheters with thrombolytics. Admin. This education and competence must be documented initially and on an ongoing basis; The physician or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) must be immediately available in the facility; The facility and staff must possess the ability to run a full code; The patient must be previously evaluated and cleared for testing by the physician or APRN; There must be a medical order for the procedure; and. Regarding late entries, a specific time limit or time frame for late entries into the clinical record is not suggested in resources consulted. As part of its responsibilities, the Board implements the Mississippi Nurse Practice Law by issuing rules and regulations through the Administrative Code. Every state has its own spectrum of disciplinary actions. The nurse is educated and competent regarding the medication to include but not limited to indications, contraindications, and side effects; There is a medical order for the medication; The sample is in the original unopened package with the original label intact and unaltered or if the medication has been repackaged by a pharmacist or physician it was repackaged and labeled according to all state and federal guidelines; The facility must have policy and procedures in place regarding all aspects of this issue. A licensed nurse may only hold one multistate license at a time. Some investigations result in disciplinary actions while others result in Disciplinary Action Archive Alabama Board of Nursing / Disciplinary Action Archive Disciplinary Action reports prior to 2012 are accessible below in PDF format. The education and competence must be documented initially and on an ongoing basis; The procedure is performed in a controlled setting where the patients are monitored according to accepted standards of practice; There is a patient specific medical order for the procedure; The initial procedure of irrigation of the mediastinal catheter and pericardial catheter is done by the physician or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) [subsequent procedures may be performed by the registered nurse provided there are no complications]; and. Nurses in the RNP are monitored for a period of 60 months. The facility has policies and procedures that address all aspects of the procedure. The registered nurse may not draw medical conclusions, make a medical dianosis or sign for the physician. Acceptable continuing education offerings are those which are currently approved, accredited, provided, or offered by recognized credentialing agency; Successful completion of a minimum of three (3) semester hours of nursing credit offered by a nursing education program within the two (2) year period immediately prior to such application for renewal or reinstatement of the nursing license. Nurse Inquiry - Search Licenses and Status. The registered nurse is educated and competent in the procedure. The multi-state license benefit is only for nurses meet the eleven (11)uniform licensure requirementsset by the National Council for State Boards of Nursing. The Board decided that the registered nurse, acting in accordance with the provisions of the Mississippi Nursing Practice Law, Rules and Regulations of the Board of Nursing and other Mississippi laws concerning abortion, may administer these and other medications to the gravid female provided: It should be further noted that, in accordance with Section 73-15-5 (2) of the Mississippi Nursing Practice Law, it is outside of the scope of practice of the registered nurse to make a medical diagnosis or to draw medical conclusions. ); The procedure is a generally accepted standard of practice; The procedure is performed and the patient monitored according to accepted standards of practice; All necessary resources including, but not limited to, essential monitoring and emergency equipment are available; and. Only designated nurses in any one shift may be given access to the pharmacy and may remove drugs therefrom. the attending physician or advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) to report the assessment and physical findings; The registered nurse obtains an order from the attending provider to admit the patient to the hospital or discharge the patient home. The Mississippi Board of Nursing requires that graduates are also fingerprinted by the Mississippi Board of Nursing prior to sitting for the licensing exam (NCLEX-RN). The MNVP was established to assist nurses who are impacted as a result of substance abuse and/or mental health issue(s). Yes, it is within the scope of practice of the appropriately prepared RN or LPN to administer vaccines per medically approved protocols and/or standing orders. Nurses role also includes administering medication and responding to emergencies both of which an. 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