At this stage, the crew of Qantas 735 were aware of the changes to the TTF and continued to Adelaide on the basis that the fog would clear prior to their arrival. The Centralised-AWIS (C-AWIS) project aims to deliver a cost effective and reliable replacement to the current AWIB/AWIS that will centrally process AWS data. On 18 June 2013, two Boeing 737 aircraft, VH-YIR operated by Virgin Australia Airlines Pty. At the time of this occurrence, runway 16 at Melbourne Airport, Victoria was the only location in Australia with: At the time of the occurrence, Adelaide Airport was certified for CAT I ILS with autoland. After the aircraft reached top of climb and the sterile cockpit period ended, flight watch sent a message via the aircraft communications addressing and reporting system stating that the amended TAF now indicated a 30 per cent chance of fog, providing an overview of the conditions at Adelaide Airport and advising that the TTF forecast no significant change during its validity period. This included the 0800 TTF, which indicated fog that was predicted to clear at 0900. Taking into account the forecast fog and these holding requirements at Melbourne, neither Velocity1384nor Qantas 735 had sufficient fuel to proceed to Melbourne from Adelaide. The FOs roster showed that 16 and 17 June 2013 were rostered days off. The automatic broadcast services did not have the capacity to recognise and actively disseminate special weather reports (SPECI) to pilots, thus not meeting the intent of the SPECI alerting function provided by controller-initiated flight information service. As such, both crews were able to land under the provisions of CAR 257(5). As such, the dissemination of AIREP information by ATC remains a necessary source of information for BoM and should be actioned whenever possible. Whether or not the ATSB identifies safety issues in the course of an investigation, relevant organisations may proactively initiate safety action in order to reduce their safety risk. AIP GEN 3.5 section 6 outlined the inflight weather broadcasts available to pilots, including weather advisory broadcasts. ATC radar limitations and frequency congestion may also be factors in limiting the controllers capability to provide additional service. This precluded a full understanding of what factors may have contributed to the crew of Velocity 1384 missing this report. This limited their options and the time available to plan a diversion to a suitable alternate airport. In addition, improved conditions could be expected from 1000 as the wind was forecast to tend southerly and both fog and low cloud were rare in a southerly flow at Mildura. The ATSB commenced an investigation at about 1100 on 18 June 2013 and the cockpit voice recorder and flight data recorder were removed from the aircraft and forwarded to the ATSBs facilities in Canberra for download. As the flight crew of Qantas 735 was preparing to depart Sydney, just prior to leaving the gate, the 0700 amended TAF for Adelaide was issued. Slight chance of a shower. Air traffic information is not provided. Unforecast fog developed at Sydney Airport after the aircraft passed the flight planned last point of safe diversion, which had been based on a diversion to Melbourne. Although the captain of Velocity1384indicated that there was sufficient time to assess the option of returning to Adelaide, there was only a matter of several minutes available to make that decision and track towards Adelaide. In situations where crew are primed to search for information, it is more likely that considered decision making will occur in a less stressful environment and that the associated workload will reduce.,, Hyping Daily Maximum Temperatures (Part 1), Happy New Highest Tide for 2023 Sunday 22nd January, Fear, Flooding, Forecasting & Australias 2022 Official Rainfall Statistics, A Note on Obfuscation, the 2022 Climate Report, and my Latest Film. In response to this occurrence, the ATSB also initiated research into the reliability of weather forecasts in Australia, initially at Adelaide and Mildura Airports (see the section ATSB research investigation). Then, to discover new sampling stations are in different locations from the older ones but are assumed to be the same for temperature measurements is almost unbelievable. As the actual conditions deteriorated in Adelaide, the en route controllers in Melbourne Centre responsible for the surrounding airspace started informing inbound flight crew of these changes. Harris, D & Li, WC 2015, Decision Making in Aviation, Ashgate Publishing. After I manually transcribed and analysed relevant data from a subset of the first batch of over 4,000 scanned A8 forms received on 28 October, I wrote to Minister Freydenberg on 12 November explaining that the values recorded manually on the A8 forms from the mercury thermometers for the period November 1996 to December 2000 at Mildura are significantly different from the official values recorded from the electronic probes. The onset of fog at Perth Airport at the estimated time of arrival was not forecast until after the aircraft had passed the point in the flight when it had insufficient fuel remaining to divert to a suitable alternate airport. Short haul domestic operations, particularly those under 90 minutes duration, were provided with updated weather and operational information on a workload permitting basis. The captain had a day off on 16June2013. Any additional service, such as weather avoidance assistance, can only be provided to the extent that it does not derogate the primary function. In short, it appears that on the hottest days in Mildura during the period that manual readings were being taken after installation of the most recent probe no one was turning-up to take the manual reading from the mercury thermometer. The first was at 0816 when Qantas 735 queried the conditions in Adelaide based on the forecast of fog in the 0800 TTF. The river height will reach 38.3 metres at the Mildura Weir 113 millimetres higher than the . - Occurs when the centre tank quantity is greater than 726 kg (1,600 lbs), both centre tank pumps are producing low or no pressure and either engine is running. Cloud cover is normally reported using expressions that denote the extent of the cover. There is the potential that due to workload considerations, pilot requests may be redirected to another VHF frequency or Flightwatch HF. This decision took into account the observations at Mildura, which indicated the weather there was suitable for landing. Bureau Home > Radar Images > 128 km Mildura 5 min Rainfalls. In relation to a change in weather conditions after DPA, the manual contained the following note: It is recognised that there are occasions when a flight may pass DPA with the required fuel on board and a subsequent deterioration in forecast weather may then result in the minimum mandatory requirements above not being met. Ultimately the responsibility for collecting information, such as weather updates, to support in-flight decision making remains with the pilot in command. The flight following policy was rewritten. Certainly not when temperatures are soaring! VH-YIR was fitted with satellite communications (SATCOM) equipment that supported telephone and ACARS equipment. [15] Generation of a routine TAF for Mildura Airport is also secondary to issuing trend forecasts (TTF) and amended TAFs for major international airports and category A airports (such as Canberra). The second opportunity occurred at 0838, when ATC updated Qantas 735 on the conditions at Adelaide. In addition, an amendment was made so that pilots were responsible for obtaining information necessary to make operational decisions, rather than being responsible for requesting the information, as had been contained within MATS since 2001. At 1002, Velocity 1384 transmitted that they were on a 4 NM (7 km) final for the RNAV GNSS approach. This aircraft, registered VH-VYK and operated by Qantas, was en route from Sydney, New South Wales to Adelaide before also diverting to Mildura. Meanwhile, in the United States, (NASA boss and Mikey Mann champion) Gavin Schmidt and NOAA are busy adjusting the US surface temperature record to ensure its support for climate hysteria (while reflecting real world temperatures about as well as a fun house mirror). In other words, considering the forecasts that did not predict conditions below the alternate minima (0.09 per cent), and all observations below the landing minima (0.99 per cent), in the period 20092013, 10 per cent of the time that the observations were below the landing minima at Mildura Airport, those conditions were not forecast (0.09/0.99). This makes statistical analysis using standard techniques impossible as assumptions implicit, for example in a standard paired T-test, are violated. The crew diverted to Mildura and the aircraft landed safely at Mildura Airport at about 1010following two instrument approaches. Madden Avenue Service Centre108 Madden Avenue, Mildura VICAustralia When the aircraft was at the decision altitude, the crew initiated a missed approach procedure as they had not obtained visual reference with the runway. The pilot did not specify the cloud datum, but a comparison of the reported cloud base with the observed cloud base from the Mildura Airport automated station, which was generated 2 minutes later, identified that the reported cloud base was probably with reference to mean sea level. This included to equipment used in forecasting. I have gone over some of the design steps that would need to be done and they are too complicated to trust without checking. They reported to Airservices that this was due to high workload at the time, and a consideration that the information in the pilots report did not differ significantly to the forecast TEMPO conditions. The alternate minima for runway 27 at Mildura for large jet aircraft were 1,233 ft and 6 km if the forecast QNH was used. MILDURA AIRPORT . As the aircraft neared Adelaide, the BoM issued another TTF at 0900. C. Even a mere pleb such as myself can see that the temperature readings are remarkably different, and always tending higher, not lower. It stated that FIS was to include operational information about meteorological conditions and hazard alerts. AIP GEN 3.5 paragraph 4.1 defined aerodrome weather reports as: reports of observations of meteorological conditions at an aerodrome. This predicted clearing time was also used by the flight following personnel at Virgin to inform their decision not to pass the 0800 TTF to the crew of Velocity 1384. Employed to minimise unnecessary distractions during critical phases of flight. On the same morning, another B737 aircraft, registered VH-VYK and operated by Qantas Airways Limited, was conducting a scheduled passenger service from Sydney, New South Wales, to Adelaide. In part, these included: (b) FISE: the exchange on the FISE [flight information service en route] frequency of information pertinent to the en-route phase of flight. On the morning on 23 June 2015, the crew of a Bombardier DHC-8, registered VH-XFQ, prepared for a flight from Perth to Darlot, Western Australia. These included a RNAV GNSS approach to runway 27 with a minima of 660 ft and a Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)[16] or GNSS arrival, to be used with the Mildura non-directional beacon (NDB)[17] or VHF omnidirectional radio range (VOR)[18] ground-based navigation aids. In support of this occurrence investigation, the ATSB initiated a research investigation into the reliability of aviation weather forecasts at Adelaide and Mildura Airports between 2009 and 2013(AR-2013-200 that will, on completion, be available at These included updates of forecasts and observations and occurred frequently for the remainder of the flight to waypoint BLACK (48 NM or 89 km from Adelaide). The objective of this service is to contribute towards the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation. The availability of SPECI from an ABS meets the requirement for in-flight information service. The forecast TEMPO was still considered by BoM to be appropriate for the conditions; however, at around 0930, the visibility at Mildura abruptly decreased. However, at about 0934 when their workload had reduced, they obtained the latest weather for Mildura to inform their assessment of the appropriate response to the ambulance pilots report. There were two additional opportunities for the crew of Velocity 1384 to become aware of the deteriorating weather at Adelaide while en route. By filtering the above occurrences for those making some reference to ATC in the reporters text (870 occurrences), the ATSB found 171 occurrences with evidence that ATC provided assistance to the pilot, some of which was at pilot request. It cautioned that pilots must consider that time period when complying with the requirement to obtain information on which to base their operational decisions. The AIP ENR 1.10 paragraph 1.1 had a requirement for a pilot in command to consider forecasts and observation reports during their pre-flight planning. This included amendments to meteorological products such as: The provision of this service is limited to aircraft within 1 hours flight time of the condition or destination, or 2 hours for a SIGMET. Use the prefix only until an updated MET product or NOTAM is available for dissemination as per The FO had recently come off a month of leave and reported their recent sleep as normal. In addition, once the controllers workload decreased, they commenced passing the latest SPECI and amended TAF information to aircraft at Mildura. Furthermore, controllers were to notify the pilots of aircraft affected by non-routine meteorological products at the time that the products were identified in the form of a directed transmission to the pilots and within 60 minutes flight time of the conditions notified. The BoM reported that their assessment of Mildura at around 0830 showed that low cloud was more likely to occur than fog. Although no safety issue was identified by the ATSB, the Bureau of Meteorology advised of the following safety action in response to this occurrence: Although the TTF and TAF are forecasts for the same aerodrome, they convey different information concerning the probability and timing of meteorological phenomena. For in-flight FIS, the service consisted of three elements: ATC-initiated FIS allowed for the provision to crews by ATC of pertinent operational information. Ltd. (Virgin). Readers are cautioned that new evidence will become available as the investigation progresses that will enhance the ATSB's understanding of the accident as outlined in this Interim report. However, as the AWIS broadcast doesn't contain the label 'SPECI', pilots are required to recognise and interpret its operational significance. Similarly, once the 0918 Mildura SPECI was available showing the deterioration, there was also no need for this prefix. Review of Flight Watch/Following activities across several carriers to obtain best practice for this activity Virgin America and Westjet were visited. In addition there was a 30per cent probability of 500m visibility in fog and broken cloud at 200 ft AGL between 1000 and 1200. This page was created at 00:41 on Thursday 19 January 2023 (UTC), Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2023, Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532) | CRICOS Provider 02015K | Disclaimer | Privacy | Accessibility,, As a result of its developing understanding of the occurrence, the ATSB has commenced the following safety action:Safety forum regarding the provision of operational informationThe ATSB is planning to convene a safety forum in respect of the provision of operational information to the flight crews in this occurrence, and more generally. To print this page, get the PDF version (one page, 45 kb). This research investigation will initially examine the reliability of the aerodrome forecasts for Mildura and Adelaide Airports, before expanding to cover other major Australian airports. The reviews, and subsequent procedural amendments, resulted in a number of changes in the way in which SPECI reports were handled by the air traffic control system and the way in which this information was relayed to pilots in flight. Web Design & Digital Marketing Agency Mildura - Build Digital Growth . At 1130, the visibility had increased to greater than 10 km and the cloud was now listed as few at 300 ft. Further information on the Adelaide and Mildura forecasts and observations is in appendixC. The ICAO Annex 3 Meteorological Service for International Air Navigation does not permit the inclusion in a TAF of a probability of less than 30 per cent that a weather phenomenon, such as fog, may occur during the forecast period. An AWIS is a transmission of actual weather conditions, as measured by automatic weather stations (AWS),[25] via either telephone or radio broadcast from selected sites. Additionally, subsequent sections stated: 3.3.4 For aircraft in flight, flight information is normally confined to information concerning the route being flown up to and including the next attended aerodrome. The estimated arrival time at Adelaide was 0917. The ATSB has been advised of the following proactive safety action in response to this occurrence. I have been smelling a rat for some years now. As with the broadcast of weather observations via ATIS, an AWIS does not append the words METAR or SPECI to weather observations that are broadcast via AWIS. Ltd. as Velocity 1384 and VH-VYK operated by Qantas Airways Ltd. as Qantas 735, were on scheduled flights to Adelaide, South Australia. The on-request service is provided by FLIGHTWATCH, the generic call sign of the service. It defined a hazard alert as information assessed by ATC to be of an unexpected and critical nature. The meteorologist on duty had over 35 years of experience, including 30 years as a forecaster with the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). Of the 160 occurrences, 36 resulted in the declaration of a PAN or other emergency by the crew to facilitate either a diversion (particularly to a military airport) or priority landing. These findings should not be read as apportioning blame or liability to any particular organisation or individual. Manual input of visibility, weather and cloud is for an area within a radius of approximately 5 NM of the ARP [aerodrome reference point]. Significant fluctuations in forecast accuracy and the resulting risk to safety were observed over time. Pilot weather updating requirements have been clarified and enhanced and ACARS [aircraft communications addressing and reporting system] equipment continues to be rolled out across the Virgin fleet. 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