Where they were digging, the Moho is 16,000 ft deep, so the team fell far short of their goal. The cost to drill a well is also much higher in real terms. The Bakken & Three Forks are well-within the oil window. Any trading and execution of orders mentioned on this website is carried out by and through OPCMarkets. Oklahoma Historical Society800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 | 405-521-2491Site Index | Contact Us | Privacy | Press Room | Website Inquiries, Get Updates in Your Inbox Keep up to date with our weekly newsletter delivered straight to your inbox. In directional drilling, the measured depth is greater than the true vertical depth. If you believe that water fills the pore space, how could you also think this? So, if not the O-14, which oil well is the deepest in the world? These and other devices, when used with an auger stem in various combinations called jars, can secure a powerful upward stroke or jar and thus dislodge and recover the tool being sought, Day explained in his 1922 book. Yet the worlds deepest oil well is not in the United States. Doesnt the sulfur in matches contribute to acid rain? . More than 500 of her poems have been published in literary journals, and she had received eight nominations for the Pushcart Prize. It generally cant exist at depths anywhere close to the mantle. 250 Mya? Small forges were often just feet from the well bore. This is a Forest Gump breakthrough. So, the deepest oil well in the world is not actually the worlds longest, and thats fine. However, if hydrocarbons (both gas and liquid) tend to percolate/migrate upward against gravity, as others have mentioned, one wonders what mechanism/geology is so effective at preventing gas diffusion for as long as 400 million years? Athletics The bottom hole temperatures were in the range of 215F (100C). Keep piling the sediments on and the crust below sinks. Where applicable, the oil has been dated and matched to geochemically consistent kerogen in source rocks. On 6 June 1979, the world depth record held by the Bertha Rogers hole in Washita County, Oklahoma, United States, at 9,583 meters (31,440 ft), was broken. I recommend that you read up a bit on geology. I seem to have come in late and may be way down the totem pole here, but your fundamental problem is trying to evaluate or estimate local processes based on some global average.. If one says subduction, I say Mt. Personal connection: Lone Star Producing became Enserch Exploration in 1975 and was my first employer in the oil & gas industry. At this point that has never, IFAIK, happened. 2) No reasonable explanation for why hypothesized abiotic oil production would have peaked 70-200 Ma ago and declined since then. I was going to check on those others, figuring they may all be wrong. Uploaded on June 12, 2010. A few years ago I was asked to review one of those deep water discoveries in the Gulf of Mexico, and although the productive layer was very thick, and the oil in place was very large, I suggested they should not expect more than a 15% recovery factor, because the fluid/rock/temperature and geology just werent good enough to do anything but cherry pick the better spots. contrast them as you understand their similaritiesand differences. 1 in Washita County, drilled in 1971 to 31,441 feet, was then the worlds deepest well. The geological paradoxes are interesting as there are now more than four paradoxes. Some of these magmas were huge. It took over 50 years for anyone to beat his record. Mrs. Bertha Mary Rogers of South Boston, VA died Thursday, December 1st at the age of 82. Germantown, TN 38138 Its hard to believe there has been that much vertical movement in Earths surface (i.e., two miles subduction) over the last several hundred thousand to several hundred million years. The Battle for the Truth about Global Warming, invaluable Steven F. Hayward, The Weekly Standard, changed the world and is one of the most influential resources on global warming. Its mind-boggling that you seem to think its clever. The bottom line isnt denominated in joules, watts or Btu Its denominated in $$$. EROEI is just about the dumbest concept to ever come out of academia. Completion designs were optimized to successfully run an approximately 3,600-m open-hole completion, and the well was finished in approximately 70 days. Sorry if this was OT. Union competes in NCAA DII and the Gulf South Conference. So much they know, that is not so, is in most cases worse than outright ignorance. Merchant of Record: A Media Solutions trading as Oilprice.com. Walker Ridge 758 Chevron #1 is the deepest active oil producer in the Gulf of Mexico; drilled to a true vertical depth (TVD) of 28,497 (8.7 km) in a water depth of 6,959. Those are from the time when the Atlantic was just a rift valley or a narrow sea and vast amounts of sediments was eroded from the escarpments on both sides and deposited in the rift, together with salt from salt lakes and restricted hypersaline arms of the ocean. Denver, Colo : U.S. Dept. So, the temperature in an ultradeep borehole is not just higher than surface temps: it tops 180 degrees Celsius at a depth of 12 km, or 39,370 feet. Hes completely on top of his subject and a master of communication. Way out of my comfort zone and not trying to speak for DM, but cracking I think is an industry term for the breakdown of long petroleum hydrocarbon chains into smaller ones, I guess which occurs at higher temperatures. Dates. This is perhaps the most geologically ignorant sentence I have ever read Though always interested in all branches of science and engineering, it has taken me a long time to realise just how little I knew about it. Describing cable tool operations, he explained that the basic principle of well fishing tools often involved milled wedges on a spear or in a cylinder for recovering lost tubing or casing. The GI is located on the West Ridge of the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus. This also happened in the Western US in the recent geologic past, giving rise to what is called the basin and range province, as the crust broke into large blocks and some of the tilted a certain way. Photo by Bruce Wells. It is now over 40,000 feet deep, making it the deepest hole on earth (the previous record holder was the Bertha Rogers well in Oklahoma--a gas well stopped at 32,000 feet when it struck molten sulfur). The Kola well has now penetrated about halfway through the crust of the Baltic continental shield, exposing rocks 2.7 billion years old at the bottom (for comparison, the Vishnu schist at the bottom of the Grand Canyon dates to about 2 billion years--the earth itself is about 4.6 billion years old). Spudded in November 1972 and averaging about 60 feet per day, the Bertha Rogers had been heading for the history books as the world's deepest well at the time. Its not a matter of ruling out abiotic oil. Thats only done in very large fields in extreme conditions, say where water depth is over 100 meters and the seafloor is highly unstable, when developing offshore in areas where theres icebergs or sea ice, in very sensitive areas such as a swamp within a nature preserve, etc. As drillers gained experience with deeper wells, patent applications included hundreds of designs for catching some tool or part that had been broken or lost in the borehole. We would all like to know what is inside the Earth. They began drilling wells more than three miles deep in the late 1960s. Interestingly, Fourier doesnt even mention hothouses or greenhouses, and actually stated that in order for the atmosphere to be anything like the glass of a hotbox, such as the experimental aparatus of de Saussure (1779), the air would have to solidify while conserving its optical properties (Fourier, 1827, p. 586; Fourier, 1824, translated by Burgess, 1837, pp. Australias Green Transition Energy Price Caps are Causing Supply Side Chaos, ESG Check in: More details on the Securities & Exchange Commissions Activist Role in the Whole of Government Push on ESG, Climate Risk Disclosure, Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #536. Get to know us - Dr Bertha Rogers At our practice in Oxford Circus (W1W), all of our therapists are qualified psychologists, psychotherapists or counsellors. Yes, it is hard for me to understand this observation without appealing to vertical land motion associated with subduction. If you add in the pipe run horizonal over a mile or two you have a number of deep long wells. Surface Temperature Record Reliable? I worked on a development plan which required platforms with two drilling rigs sitting over 28 well bays each. Defenders of biotic origin oil are not worried about how dinosaur remains got to more than 5 miles below the Earths surface. Bess Mills-Bullard, Digest of Oklahoma Oil and Gas Fields, Oklahoma Geological Survey Bulletin 40, Vol. Just-So stories in the garb of hypotheses support many current theories. It's especially expensive when you factor in all of the cost of deep-bore oil extraction, including the energy expended to do it and the amount of contaminated process water. Subduction, in geology, is the process whereby a tectonic plate is forced down into the mantle of the earth. Well fishing tools are constantly being improved and new ones introduced, explained David T. Day in his A Handbook of the Petroleum Industry in 1922. Then jumped out with just a parachute. In the Sweetwater Gas field ( Jct 6 & US 283 , north of Sayer, OK ) most of the wells in the field were drilled to 20k 25k ft. Sweetwater field is also the site of a huge blow out, the Apache Keys #1, in 1982, when the tree was blown off the wellhead. Why did he want the label for oil,,, Because he knows how to make money, make appear that there is a limited supply, thus creating a monopoly and controlling the price.. Do your own research on whether Oil comes from plant matter, etc. The North Sakhalin Neogene total petroleum system of eastern Russia. This can drop the rocks 20 plus km, which means its possible to have 20 km thick pile of sediment under 2 km of water. This led to the creation of the Bertha Rogers Hole. There are no oil wells in the Gulf of Mexico with bottom hole temperatures outside of the oil window. Culminating long chapter was CAGW, vetted by Prof Lindzen of MIT just weeks before he retired. This could only mean that water which had originally been a part of the chemical composition of the rock minerals themselves (as contrasted with ground water) had been forced out of the crystals and prevented from rising by an overlying cap of impermeable rock. Its currently producing about 60,000 bbl/d and 110 mmcf/d (~78,000 BOE/d) from 8 wells And its still ramping up. Theres probably a little bit of everything in crude oil Its just mostly algae and phytoplankton. It is not uncommon for people to get stuff wrong, and not very surprising. Other times, when plates collide, one plate can be lifted onto another. All of the wells are tiebacks. Gordon Dressler at 4:28 pm (i.e., two miles subduction). Engineers tend towards MD because thats where things actually are in the wellbore. The process whereby ocean crustand the sediments sitting on top of them, or sediments that formed in places called inland seaswind up as the tops of mountains or halfway to the bottom of the Grand Canyon or anywhere else that is not the top of a mountain, is called uplift, not subduction. The operation repeated until the lowest piece was reached. Many lost tools that cannot be recovered are drilled up or side-tracked (driven into or against the wall) and passed in drilling, Day explained. I would wager that more is being mined right at the surface today than at any point in history again, its technology and economics, not being forced to look elsewhere. When controls on gas prices were lifted, Anadarko justified the faith and perseverance of The GHK Company and other operators who pioneered in deep drilling. Its not subduction. Of course, large quantities of oil are found in other ocean areas apart from just these two. The Burj is a meager 2,722 feet tall by comparison. A total of four oil producers and one gas injector were planned to develop the northern portion of the reservoir. My company doesnt drill for oil & gas to make energy. I know where oil does not come from, plants and dinosaurs at 40,000 feet. I had a fantastic weekend in OK City Luckily I didnt loose pressurisation otherwise I wouldnt be here to write this drivel! Bertha was a lifelong resident of the Bristol area and a charter member of Eastern Heights Presbyterian Church. There is subduction off the West Coast, but what is being and has been subducted is not the Pacific plate, but the Farallon plate, and it remnants, known as the Juan De Fuca plate in the north, the Cocos plate off of Central America, and a few slices called the Gorda and the Rivera plate, although the exact names and some of the details are still being disputed, including whether the Farallon was one plate or, more likely, a complex situation sort of like what exists now north and west of Australia. In the mid-1990s, Russia opened up its oil & gas potential to western companies and ExxonMobil went to work: Here is the Fuel Fighter infographic at the same scale as a cross-section of the Chayvo oilfield: Apotria, Ted, Poffenberger, Mike, Powell, Rick & Venner, Bridget. It was a borehole that reached 31,400 feet, or nearly six miles, into the Earth. This die fit over the end of the stuck tool, tapered inward slightly, and when turned to the left, cut a thread on the cable tool. Australia's Green Transition Energy Price Caps are Causing Supply Side Chaos, Unsettled: Climate and Science | Dr. Steven Koonin, Climate conundrum: Study finds ants arent altering behavior in rising temperatures, Academics and the Grid Part 3: Visionaries and Problem Solvers, They Touched Greta! [3], According to publicly available well records from the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, the Bertha Rogers hole ceased production of natural gas in July 1997 and has since been plugged and abandoned. IT Services Not actual cracking. This mud log sample shows drilling rate and lithology from 4700 ft to 31440 ft at an elevation of 1893 ft in WASHITA County, OKLAHOMA. The average bottom hole temperature of those ten 20 million barrel producers was 197F. In 1976 or 77 when I was stationed at NAS Agana Guam the weather radar guys at Anderson AFB painted a stationary offshore thunderstorm at 85,000 feet. For more information, contact bawells@aoghs.org. Wow! My gas & electric bills are paid for with money. It was a beauty. .. It was March 1974 and the enormous investment of Lone Star Producing Company of Dallas, and partner GHK Company of Oklahoma City, was about to be lost. Are the only acceptable fuels for people are the things they eat but not the fuel that powers machines used to help grow and harvest what people eat? Despite its depth, the bottomhole temperature was only about 280 F, within the oil window. Cost me his lunch at the MIT faculty cafeteria, plus a couple of months of rewrite to respond to his many pointed comments. David Middleton, Setting aside the fact that the oil & gas havent been trapped anywhere for 400 million years What does gravity have to do with oil & gas migrating upward? The Chayvo wells were impressive accomplishments, Apr 22, 2014 Extended-reach drilling project from onshore rig surpasses previous Sakhalin campaigns, sets world records for MD, By Vishwas P. Gupta, ExxonMobil Development Co; Angel H.P. 615-447-2500, Germantown / Memphis Campus The fact that ExxonMobil geos identified the oil rims from seismic anomalies (multiple flat-spots) with sufficient confidence that they got the Chayvo-6A well drilled is possibly the most impressive thing. It cost $7 million but yielded relatively little gas. The most prolific source rocks are organic-rich (total organic carbon (TOC) >5%) marine shale formations, deposited under anoxic conditions. (Hmmmshould I close with a sarc/tag or a smiley face?). The rate of cracking and the end products are strongly dependent on the temperature and presence of catalysts. The bottom hole temperature was 226 F. Long wells arent deep wells. Privacy Policy, Main Campus Fourier maintained that the atmosphere acts like the glass of a hothouse, because it lets through the light rays of the sun but retains the dark rays from the ground. The following (as per The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition) is the preferred citation for articles:Bobby D. Weaver, Anadarko Basin, The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture, https://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry.php?entry=AN003. In 1979 the No. Saint Helens. Well, very deep. Im not sure it is more close to reality than an Iron man action sequence and in fact it was created using the same technologies used to make the Marvel films. The world's most viewed site on global warming and climate change, This eye-catching blog post was published in 2017 by Fuel Fighter. The well at Chayvo is, according to the infographic, also deeper than the world record for a hot-air balloon flight: 21,000 feet. About as fast as fingernails grow. The standard commercial airline flight height is 39,000 feet. However, by digging, we have only scratched the surface of our Earth - literally. Some material from contributors may contain additional copyrights of their respective company or organization. At the same time as rocks are being lifted up into mountain ranges, erosional processes are wearing them down again. Mud log from Well: BERTHA ROGERS 1 (2 LOGS) Operator: LONE STAR PRODUCING CO. He won an official Darwin Award for that. At 31,441 feet, the Bertha Rogers well held a record at the turn of the twenty-first century as the world's deepest producing well. The Earths crust is broken into many smaller plates that slide very slowly over a more mobile or plastic material called the asthenosphere. Many of the executives had pieces of sulfur that were recovered from the Bertha Rogers well. My quick Web search only turned up a reference to isotope dating Alberta oil sand deposits to 112 million years ago: https://phys.org/news/2005-05-world-age-oil.html . Cracking in solids is essentially the same as the cracking of long chain hydrocarbons. Looking a little more closely, it seems perhaps Fuel Fighter, or whoever made that graphic, may have not known the difference between feet and meters. Rogers hole, happened number of deep long wells arent deep wells just these two 1 ( 2 LOGS Operator. Gi is located on the temperature and presence of catalysts through OPCMarkets others figuring! Deepest in the wellbore or plastic material called the asthenosphere his lunch at the MIT cafeteria... 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