When you get our online essay writing service help, we ensure that every comma is in place and every source is cited and used with maximum efficiency. The Government Accountability Office noted in a report in February 2012 that these technologies could face technical and logistical problems in the Arctic. All you need to do is share your prompt. You need to get out and make friends who might end up your BFFs; you need to seek internship opportunities, connect with professors and TAs, and seek new and exciting ways to gain experiences to add to your collection of fond memories and your resume, too. Offshore Drilling Reform: Report Card 2012. Refund terms should be clear and precise, without ambiguous promises. (May 17, 2012), Arctic Oil Drilling To Pump Pollution Into Pristine Skies, Press Release Science and Environmental, https://enewspf.com/science/environmental/arctic-oil-drilling-to-pump-pollution-into-pristine-skies/. Regulatory oversight is critical for ensuring safe offshore operations. The people will continue to call on President Obama to protect the Arctic and our environment.. Theres always a risk of losing time and money and getting a useless paper. Amaize, E. (2012, March 27). We are your reliable academic partners, and we will be your backup from applying to your dream school to submitting your thesis and securing a degree. In August 2015, President Obama authorized Royal Dutch Shell to expand drilling off Alaska's northwest coast. Interior Has Strengthened Its Oversight of Subsea Well Containment, but Should Improve Its Documentation. Do you just need one night of uninterrupted sleep? And even if theres a misunderstanding, and you are not happy with the online essay helper assistance you get, our writers will revise and rework the paper until you are satisfied. Offshore drilling threatens this ocean ecosystem. On average, undergrads spend almost 20 hours on homework every week, and thats a conservative estimate. The U.S. Geological Survey released a report in June 2011, detailing the gaps in scientific knowledge on the effects of an oil spill in the Arctic.7)Holland-Bartels, L., & Pierce, B. The Arctic Institute, document.write(new Date().getFullYear());. result of the drilling being done. So it is paramount to get fast high-quality assistance. So prioritize valuable opportunities for your future over homework. Even an early bedtime might be a good idea if youve been stressing over homework for months. In the real world, hiring an author is sometimes the only way to stay sane and get a degree without losing it. federal government. https://www.latimes.com/business/la-xpm-2012-apr-05-la-fi-chevron-20120405-story.html. These were mainly concentrated on the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas in the US, and in the Beaufort Sea and the Mackenzie Delta in Canada. The most common explanations for increased interest in Arctic energy development in recent years include rising commodity prices, new technologies enabling cheaper Arctic operations, and increased accessibility due to the melting of the Arctic sea ice. Sons de Mar. You wont get the same security with a freelance writer. 1- The ethical issues for this case include how our environment is being affected more drilling in the artic. Considering the elevated stress levels of college, its no wonder so many students drop out of school and never go back. His decision brought into sharp relief the different, oftentimes competing views on the expansion of offshore drilling. that it was to expand drilling of oil and gas near Alaskas northwest coast, which relieved drilling The Department of Energy estimates them at som, billion barrels of oil equivalent in natural gas and oil. WK 7 Ethics Assignment: Drilling for Oil in the Arctic OffshoreFacts * The April 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion was the largest oil spill in the history of the U.S. and among the top 10 worlds worst anthropogenic environmental disasters. Supply chain damage caused major operation waste and scheduling issues. A documentary and six short videosrevealthe behavioral ethics biases insuper-lobbyist Jack Abramoff's story. After all, college is supposed to be full of fun and opportunities. Shell (May 2011). Also, BOEM should be allocated more resources to enhance review and oversight of lease applications. Marine Policy, 79. BP set up a $20 billion fund to compensate victims of the spill. And a reliable writing service can help you achieve all that. They were drilling for oil and gas in these areas because they were along the coast, because these states had large populations. We are your reliable academic partners, and we will be your backup from applying to your dream school to submitting your thesis and securing a degree. Of particular interest is offshore development in North America, as this Arctic region has seen the most rapid changes in terms of opening up for exploratory drillings in coastal waters. By then large commercially viable fields might have been discovered, with the debate on balancing economic interests with environmental concerns likely to increase even further. A Degraded Gulf of Mexico: Wildlife and Wetlands Two Years Into the Gulf Oil Disaster. Indicate the type of assignment and share key paper details with your essay helper. All you have to do is give us a chance to prove ourselves, and we wont let you down. (2012). Also, the science on Arctic ecosystems remains insufficient, and the effects of such a spill are unknown. The reformed Department of Interior believes Shell has adequately demonstrated safety preparedness and response, ensuring against another environmental crisis comparable to the BP/Deepwater Horizon incident in 2010. The price per page goes up when you choose a higher academic level or a shorter deadline. Something has to be done at the federal level, in order for more Consequently, there are now development plans for petroleum activity in all of the three North American Arctic territories. 2- The stakeholders are the oil and gas companies as they, depend on the oil and gas The report issued three recommendations, (1) large-scale synthesis of data and information, (2) enhanced dialog and collaborative science planning, and (3) a more transparent and inclusive planning and decision-making process.. Theres nothing wrong with a desire to go out a couple of nights per week or get a part-time gig in college, but you will probably never have time for either unless you get help with papers. Our experts are pros at working under pressure and can beat any time crunch. How cool is that? Even an early bedtime might be a good idea if youve been stressing over homework for months. (2011). BSEE Issues Approval for Shell Chukchi Sea Oil Spill Response Plan. Expert academics can help improve your grades even if youre not ready to splurge on complete essay writing. So if you find yourself thinking, I wish I could pay someone to write my essay, look no further. * While BP had set $20 billion for victim compensation, active clean-up ended in November 2011, and disputes over compensation are still in progress. Due to these project plans, it seems likely that, in a few years time, exploratory offshore drillings will have been conducted in all of the three North American Arctic territories. You can trust our essay service to deliver original pieces free of plagiarism regardless of deadlines and complexity. As soon as your paper is ready, you will receive an email notification. Moreover, we keep a close eye on every writers performance and customer feedback and get rid of those who cannot meet our exacting standards. 5. Who doesnt like being the best? Were an administration more favorable to oil drilling to assume office, these rules could be scrapped. Total gas leak: No marine contamination found near Elgin platform, https://www.scotsman.com/news/environment/total-gas-leak-no-marine-contamination-found-near-elgin-platform-1632618. After all, you can pay for essay writing, but you cannot buy industry experience, professional connections, or meaningful relationships. At SpeedyPaper, we take pride in providing the best value for money thanks to an extensive writing talent pool and an eagle-eyed quality assurance staff, along with an ever-helpful customer support team. We hope our writing service can become your trusted academic partner and assistant. But the worst part is that most academic writing assignments are a useless waste of time. Moreover, a lack of safety culture within the industry and the pursuit of cost cutting to enhance profits have exacerbated risk. Photo: Tom Doyle. Our writers will start working immediately. The Arctic Institute, document.write(new Date().getFullYear());. <> Critics claim that industrial activity associated with offshore drilling in the Arctic could harm native animals, including polar bears, walruses, seals, and whales already jeopardized by climate warming and declining levels of sea ice. The trick is to find a reliable writer or academic assistance company that will deliver on its promises. After all, college is supposed to be full of fun and opportunities. Instead, look for an established writing company, like SpeedyPaper, to get essay service online. The Arctic represents the last great frontier for oil exploration, with a potentially large prize for those companies willing to invest in the region and brave the harsh Arctic elements. Also, at stake are the wildlife in A massive natural gas leak continues to flow uncontrolled, sparking concerns that if ignited, a massive explosion could occur. Louisiana, and Texas. You wont get the same security with a freelance writer. who live and work in the surrounding areas, because it can potentially affect how We ensure that you will receive a well-researched essay, powerfully written and well supported with evidence and iron-clad reasoning. If you think college is all about classes, youre sorely mistaken. Even if the share of oil in the global energy mix does decrease, we believe that Arctic offshore oil elds will still be in demand since oil is and will be a raw material for Download your perfect paper and come back when you need essay help again. These will be outlined and used to compare specific regional development processes in the next part of this article. Use revisions to get the best version of your paper. The decision of how and when to open up new Arctic offshore areas for prospecting and exploratory drillings is arguably as much a consequence of the relationship between the local and the federal government, as it is related to commercial interests. Oceana. We believe that hiring an essay writer online should not be as dangerous as a game of Russian roulette. Overview: Artic Offshore Drilling is something that was occurring in Alaska, California, Louisiana, and Texas. You can also contact our support agents to help you tackle the order form if youre new to the website and cant wrap your head around some of the fields. Steer clear from freelancers and random ads online. Its also a good idea to check the companys online reputation on Reddit and beyond. Moreover, even the effects of the Deepwater Horizon blowout are so far unknown; the full effects will require years of careful scientific study. The Chukchi and Beaufort Seas are home to a diverse array of marine life, including salmon, herring, walrus, seals, whales, and waterfowl.5 Additionally, the Chukchi Sea is home to higher occurrences of benthic marine fauna relative to other Arctic habitats.6 Scientific understanding of these ecosystems and the anthropogenic effects on them, are both not yet sufficiently understood. Do you just need one night of uninterrupted sleep? (2012), 2011-2012 Beaufort Sea & Mackenzie Delta, Call for Bids The government does expect exploratory drilling applications from companies like BP, Imperial, and Exxon Mobile in the near future, after the recent release of an Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Review provided the framework for reviewing such applications from the oil companies.5)National Energy Board Canada, (2012), Arctic Offshore Drilling Review, About the Review, http://www.neb-one.gc.ca/clf-nsi/rthnb/pplctnsbfrthnb/rctcffshrdrllngrvw/rctcffshrdrllngrvw-eng.html. It takes a couple of minutes to get expert help on our website. Arctic Offshore Drilling - Read online for free. endobj endobj On April 30, the U.S. Justice Department banned new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Think of hiring a writer as an investment in your freedom and put it to good use. 1. https://www.boem.gov/sites/default/files/about-boem/BOEM-Regions/Alaska-Region/Leasing-and-Plans/Plans/2014-Shell-Chukchi-Sea/Appendix-E-Bird-Plan-Chukchi-Sea.pdf. Furthermore, they contend, extracting oil only perpetuates a, fossil-fuel economy and will contribute dangerously to rising global temperature thereby exacer, Granting Shell the permit to drill in the Arctic wa, Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Cl, people will continue to call on President O. your own beliefs or opinions affect your perspective on this issue? Some aspects of traditional public policy studies can, however, provide a conceptual framework for how to understand these processes. The National Wildlife Federation released a report in April 2012 detailing some of the scientific findings of the effects on the Gulf of Mexico from the Deepwater Horizon incident. 4. In what ways do, If you were in President Obamas position, how might the differe, 2021 Annual General Meeting and Proxy Statement 2020 Annual Report, Transocean Ltd. your decision-making process? While whales can generally alter migration patterns to avoid such dangers, an increase in industrial activity may push whales further away from preferred habitats, potentially damaging feeding or spawning patterns. Shell is also facing litigation in Nigeria for its accident at its Bonga offshore oil facility in December 2011. SpeedyPaper.com 2023 All rights reserved. A Degraded Gulf of Mexico: Wildlife and Wetlands Two Years Into the Gulf Oil Disaster. Environmentalists argue that oil companies have not demonstrated the capability to clean up an oil spill in water obstructed by ice. So please be realistic and dont expect us to complete your thesis in under 24 hours. 17-arctic-offshore-drilling-688382. fossil fuels are being released, it will affect how people and animals breathe. Industry safety culture may not change on its own, and only rigorous oversight will ensure technical and operational standards are being complied with. Arctic offshore drilling has positive impacts on the American economy but negative impact on the living surroundings. But once you do, youre set for years to come. Washington DC: GAO. Well drop you a line the moment your assignment is complete, at which point you can download the draft or call for a free revision. Yet professors still rely on it in the 21st century. Shell has planned to use skimming for oil spill containment, and a capping stack to contain a well, similar to one used in the BP response. In August 2015, President Obama authorized Royal Dutch Shell to expand drilling off Alaskas northwest coast. The Arctic Institutes research and capacity building projects help make the Arctic a more secure, just, and sustainable place. Inspections of oil rigs remains inadequate, and more resources to BSEE are needed. These are only a few examples of the damage that can be done due to an oil discharge. SpeedyPaper.com However, on the May 16 Earthjustice, an environmental NGO, filed another lawsuit against the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on behalf on several interest groups, challenging the permits acquired by Shell.3)ENews Park Forest. Bird Strike Avoidance and Lighting Plan Chukchi Sea, Alaska. Instead, be smart about delegating homework to safeguard your mental equilibrium and career prospects. destroyed, it will eventually lead to their population being taken away. Arctic Offshore Drilling Case Study Answers - AI Score is a ranking system developed by our team of experts. Drilling for Oil in the Arctic Offshore (Case Study Sample) Instructions: Read the following case study and respond to the question below. Despite Shells plan to have oil spill response equipment and vessels ready to respond, poor infrastructure and the lack of redundant equipment call into question their readiness.20)Government Accountability Office. And use the few hours of free time to meet with a college counselor to get the extra help you need. Part 2can be read here. If a blowout were to occur at the end of drilling season in October, surface ice could prevent an effective response.19)Government Accountability Office. In particular, the USGS report notes that [n]umerous efforts have been unsuccessful at developing a transparent, quantitative, and comprehensive method to assess cumulative impacts.8)Holland-Bartels, L., & Pierce, B. Think of hiring a writer as an investment in your freedom and put it to good use. Getting help with your assignments is simple. 36 short illustrated videos explain behavioral ethics concepts and basic ethics principles. Theres nothing wrong with a desire to go out a couple of nights per week or get a part-time gig in college, but you will probably never have time for either unless you get help with papers. The Arctic Ocean may seem remote and fragile, but don't let that fool you into thinking it's barren. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. 23. http://www.mercurynews.com/nation-world/ci_28732579/obamas-alaska-controversies-denali-oil-drilling-climate-change, Does allowing Arctic offshore drilling undermine Obamas climate efforts? Check out reviews to learn whats in store for you before placing the order, and post your feedback once you receive the paper to help others make the right choice. Shell has safety vessels standing by, oil collection equipment on hand, and technology ready to drill a relief well in the event it needs to stop a blowout. The Canadian offshore Arctic is the least-developed North American territory in terms of offshore oil and gas, although there have been plenty of lease sales for the Canadian Beaufort Sea.4)Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada. Retrieved April 10, 2012, from http://www.sonsdemar.eu/sonsdemar.php. On February 17, 2012, the U.S. Department of Interior (DOI) approved of Shell Gulf of Mexico Inc.s Oil Spill Response Plan (OSRP), the last major hurdle to allowing Shell to move forward with offshore oil drilling in the Chukchi Sea.1)U.S. Department of the Interior. How might you come to a decision that is both reasonable and et, lling off Alaskas northwest coast. National Energy Board Canada, (2012), Arctic Offshore Drilling Review, About the Review, http://www.neb-one.gc.ca/clf-nsi/rthnb/pplctnsbfrthnb/rctcffshrdrllngrvw/rctcffshrdrllngrvw-eng.html. All rights reserved. Being Your Best Self, Part 1: Moral Awareness, Being Your Best Self, Part 2: Moral Decision Making, Being Your Best Self, Part 3: Moral Intent, Being Your Best Self, Part 4: Moral Action, Ethical Leadership, Part 1: Perilous at the Top, Ethical Leadership, Part 2: Best Practices, Financial Conflicts of Interest in Research, Curbing Corruption: GlaxoSmithKline in China. Without losing it rigorous oversight will ensure technical and logistical problems in the Gulf oil Disaster this article a of!, undergrads spend almost 20 hours on homework every week, and place. # x27 ; s northwest coast be outlined and used to compare specific regional development in! Will eventually lead to their population being taken away terms should be allocated more resources to enhance and. 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