That was her choice. The only way hed get money is if he went into pro-am league boxing.[37]. Through Tape number 12, Bryce Walker, who broke my soul.Hannah describing the short version of why they're all on the tapes. This tape includes the entire conversation that Hannah had with Mr. Porter. However Tony is shown to be a little too dedicated to his mission to follow Hannah's wishes as instead of turning the tapes over to Hannah's parents or the police he instead delivers it to the people on her list as she wanted which has caused many disasters to occur such as Alex becoming suicidal and attempting to kill himself and Tyler being bullied to an extent so great that he seems to be planning a school shooting. At night, Tony burned the pages of the letter he received from Hannah.[14]. By saying that she is not taking requests, she asserts that this time, the narrative and its telling belong solely to her. At school, Tony reveals hes having his first fight after he got his certification. Tony stopped by Clays house, where Clay played Tony Bryces confession. It eventually turns out to be just a drill, making Tony worried about what this might mean for Tyler.[42]. Tony tried to convince Clay that its important to continue listening. Book: Clay had always pined after Hannah, but never . Tyler's hurt that his friends lost faith in him, as they're the ones who taught him that. Tony, seeming honest enough, said it was no sweat, and told him to be careful while riding his bike though, since he'd fallen off the bike earlier. Hannah Baker's (Katherine Langford) voice opens 13 Reasons Why. It happens. At the Baker's Drug Store, Tony and Mrs. Baker were talking about Jackie and their friendship. "The Good Person is Indistinguishable from the Bad", "You Can Tell the Heart of a Man by How He Grieves", "There Are a Number of Problems with Clay Jensen", "In High School, Even on a Good Day, It's Hard to Tell Who's on Your Side", "There Are a Few Things I Haven't Told You", Clay Jensen Hannah Baker Tony Padilla Zach Dempsey Jessica Davis Justin Foley Olivia Baker Bryce Walker Alex Standall Tyler Down Lainie Jensen Kevin Porter Andrew Baker Montgomery de la Cruz Matt Jensen Courtney Crimsen Sheri Holland Marcus Cole Ryan Shaver Greg Davis Dennis Vasquez Gary Bolan Skye Miller Deputy Bill Standall Karen Dempsey Mrs. Bradley Jeff Atkins Mr. Down Amber Foley Brad For taking a racy picture of Hannah on a date and allowing Bryce to spread the photo to the entire school and for sparking the rumors of her being a "slut" and for breaking her heart. As he listens to Hannah's tapes, Clay describes his emotions, thoughts, and reactions to her story. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! When Graciella asked when their parents were coming back, Tony took her to a mirror and told her that no matter what happens, they remember how good they are. Hannah says that people act differently towards you just because they see your name on a stupid list.. The kiss happened as Alex in an attempt to 'live' his life, indulges not Zach's crazy impulsive habits . 17 (Season 1, 2)18 (3, 4) In the end, it turns out that Hannah wanted Clay to just listen to the tapes; he was not a reason for her suicide. It doesn't take place in a single night. First Appearance Tony is the first main character that is Hispanic. Hannah tells the story of how she was new in town and became friends with her neighbor, Kat. Tony and Clay at a graveyard in "Tape 3, Side A", Clay and Tony talking in the school's hallways in "The First Polaroid", Clay and Tony hugging in "You Can Tell the Heart of a Man by How He Grieves", Clay and Tony driving off in the last scene of the series in "Graduation", Caleb comforting Tony in "The Missing Page", Caleb and Tony in "You Can Tell the Heart of a Man by How He Grieves", Tony and Caleb kissing after Tony won a boxing match in "Acceptance/Rejection". Clay stops the tape when his mother interrupts him. Hannah wanted it to be tapes. His reaction was to clear his name with the cops before they start investigating him, but Caleb felt like that would make him more suspicious. Dar datorit noului i ultimului trailer, am fi putut afla cine este ucigaul i la ce ne-am putea atepta de la noul sezon.Deci cine a fost s-l ia pe Bryce? Eventually, they found a guy that was wearing Justin's varsity jacket. One of the people in the accident, an elderly man, told him to run to the house to tell his wife that he was okay. Hannah says that she used to stop there regularly to buy candy bars on her way home. For humiliating and attempting to sexually assault Hannah in public on their One Dollar Valentine's date to see if the rumors of her being "easy" were true, this helped to destroy her already tarnished reputation. One of those differences is the exact sequence of the tapes. Show: A nerdy kid who doesn't really fit in. Book Version However Bryce eventually unknowingly confesses to seriously sexually assaulting Hannah, which is all Clay needs, we see him make a sly smile before we see him cycle home with a joyous and relief filled scream, however we as viewers do not know that he has a recorded confession until Tony turns up at his house, they go upstairs to his bedroom and Clay puts the tape into a cassette and CD player and plays the tape, to which Tony states "He fucking confessed?!". At Boxing Gym, Tony received bad news; his appeal for his familys visa had been denied due to insufficient proof of funds. On the tape, Hannah states, Hannah Baker is not, and never was, a slut. Hannah says that the first month with Justin was wonderful, but then he started bragging. Tony and Mrs. Baker met up at Monet's, seemingly to discuss the list. Along with the tapes, the box came with a paper map of the city that Hannah wants the listener (or in this case, Clay) to use, in order to guide them to the places she mentioned on the city where events had taken place. Clays realization that Hannahs name was on the list because of Justins lies once again demonstrates the snowball effect of rumors. Family At Monets, Ryan told Tony he had been called to testify and gave him the pages from Hannahs journal that are about Tony beating up someone. She left a job for me. Clay pointed out that if Bryce gets the tapes, he wont pass them on to the last tape subject and said he has a plan. If someone receives the tapes, they must listen to all of them and then mail them to the next person on a list of names. Before her death, she leaves behind a box of cassette . Tony even leaves the question hanging in the air for a few seconds, almost as if to say 'isn't it obvious?'. Clay steals his friend Tony's Walkman to continue listening. [23], While waiting for the verdict, Tony helped Olivia at the store. He bid him goodbye and headed for his front door as Tony drove away. Height When Clay told Tony that he doesn't understand why Tony needed to testify for the school either because he didn't do anything wrong, Tony told Clay that he doesn't know everything he did. When going on the Senior Camping Trip, he asks about what he was doing with Deputy Standall during the dance, Tyler replies that he needed someone to talk to so he called him. His arrests for assault got brought up. His betrayal starts as a small rumor but ends with Hannah unjustly gaining a reputation as a slut. Tony follows him outside to see him get in Deputy Standalls car and they drive off. Code Red is issued by the principal and the school goes on lockdown Code red means theres an active shooter. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Tony finally decides to share some information with Clay, and the bombshell he drops is a doozy. The tapes reveal the 13 reasons why Hannah chose to end her life and were created for the purpose of the subjects on her tapes learning how their actions destroyed her life and culminated in her killing herself. Tony helped Tyler recover by hanging out with him and giving him boxing lessons to manage his anger.[26]. However, he leaves soon thereafter after receiving a phone call. This is the one fair fight in my life, Tony was Hannah's only friend from high school at the scene where. For leaving Hannah at her request, after they shared a kiss. Did Clay and Hannah kiss? For more information, please see our On the tape, Hannah says that she will be telling her life story and why she took her own life, but that anyone listening to the tapes is one of those reasons. Hannah states that the reason she didn't list Bryce as a reason here is because ". November 2000 One character who is not a subject of Hannah's tapes, though plays an important role in the narrative, is Tony Padilla. Since he found out Tony is a boxer, he invites him to join his independent boxing league, East County Pro-Am. Tony explains that it's different for the two of them; their parents aren't citizens, so they have more to lose compared to the others. For abandoning Hannah after she crashed her car into a stop sign which later caused the death of. Male Tony asked what she needed it for; Hannah told him it was for some "stupid thing". [6], A flashback shows that Tony was the deejay at the Winter Formal. Gender At the boxing match, Tony goes up against a taller and bigger guy. But there is an old stereo in his garage that still plays tapes, so he goes there and puts in the first cassette. He tells Clay about it and asks him for help, but Clay isnt doing well and doesnt think he can help right now. He found Hannahs beanie and gave it to Olivia. A tender kiss is shown between Miles Heizer and Alisha Ilhaan Boe in a new short film. In the final season, Clay is in therapy after struggling with his mental health. After Tony had beaten up a guy, Hannah hid Tony from the cops. A shock to viewers across the world, the school counselor, Mr. Porter, was the 13th reason why. A flashback showed Tony beat up Lucas after he called him and Ryan homophobic terms. He also disagrees with some of Clay's plans for revenge against some of those on the list such as spreading a humiliating photo of Tyler to the whole school. The most significant difference between 13 Reasons Why the show and 13 Reasons Why the book is that the book takes place in a single night, with Clay . Student (Liberty High School) Mechanic (Padilla Automotive) Caleb wanted to go in the boxing ring with him before he's done with his sessions, but Tony refused. Later that day, at Eisenhower Park while Clay was listening to Tape 1, Side A on the Walkman, Tony approached him, in an attempt to hide the Walkman, Clay removed the earplugs from his ear and hid the Walkman. Courtney Crimsen is a recurring character on 13 Reasons Why. A flashback showed Tony asking out Ryan with Hannah's encouragement. After a teenage girl's perplexing suicide, a classmate receives a series of tapes that unravel the mystery of her tragic choice. They also got rid of Tyler's guns by throwing them in the water. Clay knows of several rumors, including one where Hannah let Justin put his hands under her shirt. Metal detectors had been placed at the entrance of the school building accompanied by school resource officers (SROs). As a rumor gains momentum, the subject at the center of it loses control over their own identity. You can view our. Tonys boyfriend Brad confronted Tony about introducing him as his friend and asked him about whats going on. But you, me, everyone on these tapes, we all let her down. Clay Jensen Clay is the ninth person on the list. 13 Reasons Why Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Romances After the rules are explained, the first tape is about Justin Foley, who was Hannahs first kiss. Hence, they have to seize any opportunity that arises. Tony is shown to extremely remorseful for what he did by ignoring Hannah and as such is shown to be dedicated to fulfilling her final wishes to deliver the tapes to all those on her list that she reveals are the reasons for why she ended her life. Hannah had also told Tony about this girl she bullied, so Tony went to the girl's house to tell her that Hannah was a good person and sorry for what she did. Reluctant at first, Tony decided to take a brochure and promise to look into it. I tried to keep those secrets, but I don't think I did the right thing. They serve as the overall narrative for the entire first season of 13 Reasons Why. Want 100 or more? Hannah has given a second set of tapes to one of their classmates, the identity of whom Clay later discovers, and warns the people on the tapes that if they do not pass them on, the second set will be leaked to the entire student body. After this, Ani told Deputy Standall about Tony laundering money and blamed Monty for Bryces murder. They would hang out from time to time and Hannah would encourage Tony to ask out Ryan. However, Hannah notes that Clay does not deserve to be on the tapes (she confesses her admiration and like for him) but it was necessary to add him to the reasons because he was important to what happened and she wanted him to know. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Alex Standall had made a two-column list of girls in the school: Whos hot and Whos Not. Alex put Hannahs name under Best Ass in the Freshman Class and put Jessica Davis down for Worst. Hannah says that Alex did this to anger Jessica and chose Hannah because most people already had a perverted image of her. He notices Tony has red paint on his hands, which he explains is from his work in the auto shop. Her joke that there is no chance for encores emphasizes the finality of her actions as well as her sense of control. Their relationship didn't work out, but they remained friendly with each other. The novel "13 reasons why", written by author jay asher in 2007, is an young adult book based on a young teenage girl's life. [20]The next day, while Tony was training with Caleb, the man Tony beat up arrived and Caleb introduced them. Tony wanted to introduce his boyfriend Caleb to his family. Tony deejays at the Love is Love dance; Tyler ends up showing up to the dance to help Tony. Clay Tony knows about Hannah's tapes. When Sheri couldn't babysit Justin, Tony came to take care of him instead. Will Clay and Tony get together, or kiss even, on 13 Reasons Why? Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Unfortunately, the things and people on her list weren't strong enough to keep Hannah alive, keep Hannah on Earth. Bryce didn't believe that was true and said he was sorry. You never really know what's gonna hit how. An overdose of pills What is the purpose of Hannah's tapes Purchasing HELLO F. When listening to the tapes, Olivia would keep calling Tony to ask questions about them. On the tapes, Hannah explains to thirteen people how they played a role in her death, by giving thirteen reasons to explain why she took her life. "Thirteen Reasons Why" by Jay Asher has been reviewed by Focus on the Family's marriage and parenting magazine. He asked if Tony took part in helping Hannah make the tapes. Clay sits on the curb and listens to the tape as Hannah announces that Alex Standall is the next person to be discussed. Sonya made him admit that Hannah never said on the tapes that she blamed the school. She shows this list to Clay stating that Hannah wrote it, he looks at it and she tells him that he is on there "at least once, possibly twice, did she call you Helmet? Tony would invite Ryan to sit with him and Caleb when he was stood up by a date. At school, the students have to demonstrate how to stop bleeding from gunshot wounds on a dummy. However, he gets stopped by SRO Ted Wynn. His physical reaction of nausea reflects his emotional upheaval. He is the son of Lainie and Matt Jensen, Justin Foley 's adoptive brother, the ex-boyfriend of Skye . I recorded 12 tapes, I started with Justin and then Jessica, who each broke my heart. 13 Reasons Why sees Hannah Baker call out those that contributed to her suicide - but she also leaves a tape for Clay. Wed love to have you back! Cookie Notice From the start, Clays actions reveal his strong feelings about Hannah, a classmate he didnt know very well. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. There is a inscription at the bottom saying "THERE ARE OTHERS", meaning there are other people who wronged Hannah. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For not helping Hannah after she described rape and her suicidal thoughts, he failed to realize she was asking for help when she was giving "life one more chance." Courtney is Hannah's fifth reason for committing suicide; she spread sexual rumors involving Hannah around the school . Tony drove off and Clay chased him on his bike until he saw Tony and his brothers beating up a man. Im saying it gave him an excuse.. Tony then iced Clays leg and told Clay that hell always help him. It outlines "11 Reasons Why Not," and Clay is listed twice. so tony and clay. going on a date. a rock climbing date. @VlRTUES_ SCREAMS THERE IS MOMENT BETWEEN TONY AND CLAY AND I WAS LEGIT LIKE "NOW KISS!@. Tony received a call from Mrs. Baker, who had found hot-or-not list and wanted to learn more about it. Tony planned to drive Clay to his family in Mexico, which he got into an argument about with his boyfriend. Tony tried to dodge the question by saying everyone let her down and she killed herself, but then told Clay that he did kill Hannah. The brutal scene has received criticism with 13 Reasons Why season 2 broom scene: Tyler Down star speaks out amid graphic episode. She starts by sharing the story of her first kiss, with Justin Foley, who goes on to inadvertently spread a salacious rumor that begins the sequence of events leading to her suicide. Clay doesnt know why he would be included on the tapes, which upsets him. He is also very close to Hannah's family and no doubt wants to help them in any way possible. She is very intelligent, very manipulative and is generally liked by her peers. Justin is also Hannahs first kiss. A high school freshman, Hannah has a romantic idea of what her first kiss will be like, and the gentle, innocent moment with Justin at the playground surpasses her expectations. As one of the only people who were nice to Hannah, Tony was not one of the reasons for her suicide and was the one entrusted with her tapes. They look at each other for a few more seconds, before Clay leans in to press a gentle kiss to Tony's lips, letting the other boy take control with a hand to the back of Clay's head so he can deepen the kiss, and allow his tongue into his mouth. Even though he is well aware of Bryce's crimes, he still refuses to cease following Hannah's rules and expose the tapes to the public as he claims that the word of a dead girl will not be enough to bring Bryce to justice. Hannah again includes herself on this tape as she blames herself for pushing Clay away. . [24], Tony drove Tyler to an unknown place after his attempted school shooting. The school was vandalized by someone with red spray paint, who wrote "Monty was framed" on the office doors. Hannah mentions that the map indicates locations that are referenced on the tapes. Clay notices Tony staring at him and wonders if Tony is on the tapes somewhere. The show is based on Jay Asher's young adult novel of the same name, and the first season brings the events of the book to life as a young girl named Hannah Baker commits suicide and leaves a box of tapes explaining the reasons why. Liberty High School (Formerly)University of Nevada Justin tells Clay that he lied to his parents Clay tells him that his oldsters are not his: " They by no means depended on you, that is why they drug tested you". [18], Tony went to the gym to see Caleb, but Caleb was training with Lucas, the homophobic man Tony beat up. Tony claimed that he told him the truth. He apologized for not being honest and revealed that Hannah made tapes and he kept secrets for her. A box is found at the foot of Clay Jensen's steps. Clay again wonders what he has done to deserve one of Hannahs tapes. Hair Color 0 9 9 comments Best Add a Comment Wex__ 5 yr. ago For raping Hannah in his hot tub, and for breaking her soul. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Ryan promised to not reveal anything in court that could hurt him. The B side of the seventh tape is recorded by Clay, it details Bryce's confession to raping Hannah, but not explicitly, as Bryce isn't aware that what he said is a confession to rape. At Liberty High, the students were in for a surprise. Tony is related to Angie Romero, she is his "third cousin, maybe fourth". Relationships While he claims that Hannah was a friend, Tony himself admits that she was a bit too much to deal with and on the day she killed herself he wanted to avoid her drama for once and did not answer the door and just let her walk away after she arrived to give him the tapes and as such let her walk away to her death. For throwing Hannah under the bus to avoid being discovered as one of the people on the kiss' photo, and for destroying her reputation. 13 Reasons Why was a huge hit, despite . The sender of the email is Clay, but he denies it was him so his account mustve been hacked. The package is addressed to the next name on Hannah Bakers list. He thinks about how he never want to hear the tapes again, although hell the voice on them will never leave him and the high school and the city will always be there to remind him of what he heard on them. There is nothing better than watching TV for entertainment at any age. Season 2 This worried Tony, for the reason that this is the place he and Clay had dumped Tylers guns.[32]. Netflix's 13 Reasons Why saw Hannah Baker posthumously confront those who contributed to her eventual suicide, but she also left a tape for her friend, Clay Jensen - here's why. Sure, he needed looking after, that's in no doubt. Tony freaked out and started fighting with Caleb. Angela Romero was on the list for Best Lips. At a party, while playing spin the bottle, Clay had refused to quit until he had kissed Angelaall because of Alexs stupid list. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. Tony asked about the guy from the self-defense class, and Caleb revealed that he has PTSD from the assault. Minor Characters After Kat left and Hannah started talking to Justin, he eventually asked for her number. Hannah Baker here. It's messy and all kinds of awkward, but what kiss isn't, and Tony finds that Clay's hands gripping onto the sides of his jacket serve as an ample distraction from the armrest jutting into his stomach. Birthday Subscribe now. Tony and his dad were preoccupied with fixing Tony's old Mustang, so Clay stole the Walkman and made an excuse that his mother was cooking dinner and that he needed to be home. Tony refused as he doesnt care about Bryce, but did drive Clay and Ani to the caf.[30]. He doesn't say 'not at all'. Caleb thought this was a bad idea as Tony would get into a lot of trouble and Clay might actually be Bryces murderer.[35]. Then one day while Hannah was standing at the register, an unnamed male classmate spanked her and announced to the clerk, that the best ass in the freshman class was in his store. The dance One of the football players at the dance calls Jessica amazing and admires her activism "If you really want to make Justin jealous, you know where to find me". 74% 2x02 Two Girls Kissing Alex, am I saying your list gave him permission to grab my ass? As the tape continues, Hannahs narrative explores how a reputation can reduce someone to a single trait. Season 4 Upon arriving at the Padilla Residence, the house was empty and everything was left on. But there was something in the way Tony literally stalks Clay's every move which suggests that it went further than that. Tony has a crush on Clay and we're 100% here for #Clony. Read VEINTECINCO. An unnamed person goes to the post office to mail a box of tapes, just as they had been mailed to him. Clay told him that it was his and asked to borrow it in embarrassment. 13 Reasons Why Season 2 Episode 2 Two Girls Kissing REACTION! Hannah explains that there are rules. His agony rises when Diego, who is the current captain of the school's football team starts pranking him with phone calls. The next day, after listening to the tapes all night, Clay approached Tony at the school cafeteria. Portrayal Hannah Baker (former friend)Clay Jensen (best friend)Ryan Shaver (friend)Olivia Baker (friend) Tyler Down (friend) Alex Standall (friend) Ani Achola (friend) Jessica Davis (friend) Justin Foley (friend) Zach Dempsey (friend) Charlie St. George (friend) He's there for Hannah and Clay, acts as a lifeline when Clay starts to spiral, and always has a wise thing to say when things get seriously heavy. After Justin told him about what happened to him, Tony felt bad and took him outside. However, Tony later revealed their friendship isn't the reason she gave him the tapes. Once he realised what happened it was too late. Tony had gone to the Baker's house, where he revealed that the reason Hannah gave him the tapes was that he owed her. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at He doesn't say 'of course not'. Tony advises her to take Mrs. Walker's money, since she offered it to her, but Ani asks Tony if he would take it were he to be in her position. She had been dreaming that she would have her first kiss with Justin there, next to a large, metal rocket-ship play structure. He told Clay about everything that happened. Upon her death, Hannah left behind 13 retro cassette tapes, each listing 'reasons why' she took her own life. Courtney (Michele Selene Ang) is outed in Hannah's tapes after they are caught kissing by Tyler (Devin Druid). Alejandro revealed that his family was taken by ICE. Tony Padilla is portrayed as gay in Christian Navarro's portrayal of him in 13 Reasons Why. Though Clay did not know Hannah well and regrets not getting to know her better, he is greatly unsettled by her loss, suggesting that teen suicide is traumatic for many people in a community, not just the victims close friends and family. Continuing on the tape, Hannah says that she tried to push past the student who had touched her, but he grabbed her wrist and told her to calm down. Clay explains he needs to control himself, because if he doesn't, people might get hurt but he doesn't know who he can trust. The Tapes are a set of 7 cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker before she commits suicide. High School Music: The Musical: The Series. The kiss begins chaste, their lips touching gently, but gradually Clay becomes more confident and deepens it to Tony's delight. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. At the Boxing Gym, Alex oversees Tony training for a boxing match. The names crossed out are not on Hannah's tapes. They drove to Oakland and visited multiple homeless shelters, without much luck. For mistakenly believing that Hannah was the reason for her breakup with Alex. The map was also used to issue the subpeonas for the kids in Hannah's deposition. Tony pulled Clay into a hug and drove him home, making him promise not to do anything stupid.[11]. 13 Reasons Why is an American teen drama television series developed for Netflix by Brian Yorkey and based on the 2007 novel Thirteen Reasons Why by author Jay Asher.The series revolves around high school student Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) and the aftermath of the suicide of fellow high school student Hannah Baker (Katherine Langford). When Clay came out of school, Tony offered to give him a ride home. She is also a former . Eleven reasons, she came up just short. Hannah got hurt. Many of the main characters ended the season with plans to head to college. Hannahs threat that the tapes will be released and the listeners are being watched instills a sense of fear and isolation in them, much like what Hannah felt when she was alive. Tyler offers to be his cutman. Clay and Justin fail, but Tyler, whos paired up with Tony, demonstrates an impressive knowledge of gunshot wounds. Season 3 Antonio "Tony" Padilla is one of the main characters in Netflix's 13 Reasons Why. Clay wasn't satisfied with the answer. During Tony's testimony, he said Hannah made the tapes so people would understand what she was going through. Why did Alex Kiss Zach? Hannah wants Clay to listen to her tapes, because she wants him to hear her story. Doubt spread over the group, the question being, could they trust Tyler? Save over 50 13 reasons why tony and clay kiss with a better experience to buy candy bars on her list were n't strong enough keep. 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